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Everything posted by Faisal_Sol

  1. That was a great episode!! Lewis Hamilton absolute legend, 1.44 in the wet.
  2. Thats pretty cool. I've never heard of those software before, I use FruityLoops at the mo lol and GarageBand on my mac.
  3. funky beat dude, what software do you use?
  4. IMO probably one of the best front wheel drive cars ever built. Its a great upgrade dude!!
  5. nice looking starlet u had there bud, love the teg looks awesome!!
  6. Welcome bud, nice community we have here
  7. hehe im not really sure what he's done performance wise. But its running a lot quicker then a stock TT. Yeh the ttc is a bit like marmite on MKIV
  8. Looks very nice and clean mate, loving the wheels too!!
  9. Well he hasn't done much as of yet, once the Celica is sold the mods will commence. Currently it's been ttc'd and he's also got an Apexi Fmanage waiting to go in. Along with coilover suspension.
  10. Just out of curiosity, why did you join this forum?
  11. its a real shame, but Impreza's are as common as muck. And it's also a shame that these lovely machines are being driven by total asses. If you would like to talk about Impreza's i think you've joined the wrong forum mate. Let me put you in the right direction http://www.scoobynet.com/ Post what you like in there, someone might even give a s***
  12. Yeah mate, had a ride in it couple weeks back. It's amazing, running 350bhp semi bpu'd.
  13. Faisal_Sol


    old skool rap, hip hop, and some UK GRIME a bit of indie rock too.
  14. Damn that sux dude! Hope it turns up, i'll keep my eyes open.
  15. aaah mate, so sorry to hear about this
  16. Very very smart! Love the Recaro's dude and those TE37's sets it off nicely.
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