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Everything posted by RandomDan

  1. It was a bit sorry xD Just the handling differance i supose?
  2. They do! I think they are fast enough for the UK roads too and because they are small they handle like nothing else!
  3. Trust me I've well decided its my second VFR400 and I've had this SV 4 years now lol
  4. I had a VW befor the civic and it was boring as fuck, first drive around in the civic and it feels great!
  5. Its what id been tempted with but i cant help but think that will mean it becoming a money pit! Atleast if it started with a turbo it has all the suporting things need to have the turbo!
  6. Sv650S K4 the one im trying to sell. I've also got a VFR400 and as you can imagine i dont need 2 bikes
  7. Well i have a Civic Coupe atm and i love it really. But the need for boost is entering my life! I love stalets my girlfriend even has an N/A ep91 and its an awesome little rat mobile. Im trying to decide wether it is worth boosting the civic or trade in completely for a glaza or a gt depending on available funds. What are they like for rust? Reliability? Handling? Any thoughts?
  8. Well you would look like a bloody spaz if it wasnt!
  9. Well im trying to sell my bike but you dont really have a bike section. Is it ok for me to just put my add in the other cars section?
  10. Im saving them the fuck up. There werent as many in the quality street though!
  11. Thanks! Im just not looking foward to rolling around in the snow now
  12. It got hot but it never actually got into the red bit of the gauge. Lucky it happened in the weather it did!
  13. Cheers lads makes it much easier to picture what needs doing with the engine pic. What about releasing the other belt? I cant see anything obvious. Would it be wise to change both belts as they would both need to be off?
  14. Well my alternator belt snapped on sunday, I managed to get home though it was about 5-10 miles. I've never changed an alternator belt befor, I've had a look for a guide but i cant find one. Does anyone know of a guide i can follow or some instructions to follow? Also am i right in thinking that this belt runs the water pump? Might it have caused any other problems in getting it home?
  15. Cheers Idrees. Just looking for the filter holder thingy bob!
  16. Just got the shitty old strut brace off and seen that the fuel filter is just zip tied on. If anyone has one going spare or knows where i can find one let me know!
  17. Yes, some perspective for you really. It is in a bigger tub now though as he is rather active!
  18. No, that is otherwise known as mutilation. They use it to kill their prey and they are not a pet to be held. Sounds a bit like a parent telling naughty child but you get the idea xD
  19. Well we had one last a couple of weeks but that was probably bad luck. Another lasted a year. The lastest one has been going a few months ok. If you can get them cheap then fair enough really but they take some looking after!
  20. Honestly they dont seem to live long, the desert ones atleast anyway. I think because they need to be so dry natural humidity in this country is enough to kill them. I dont hear many problems with forest dwellers though but they just dig holes and disapear but they are cool when they do come out! The guy in the picture is a dune scorpion and only about 1.5-2 inchs across and fully grown!
  21. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150725378985188.723521.640795187&type=3 If it work feel free to take a look!
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