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Glanza V as my next car? (Insurance questions)

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Hi all,

A friend of mine is selling his Glanza V Auto and I'm thinking of purchasing it as my next car. However looking at insurance for it I get a load of options after entering the reg plate. Now I understand that its a jap import however do I need to declare that its a jap import as all glanza vs are jap imports? What do people insure their glanzas under?


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Your have to insure it as a glanza or your get fucked if you crash as you willinly insured knowing it was incorrect :)

Try places such as greenflag, sky, adrianflux and any other modified specialest as they will know what a glanza is and tend to give better prices :)

Hope insurance doesnt stop you purchasing a glanza there great little cars


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As above mate, you will need to let the insurer know that it's a glanza v your insuring. I'm with sky and they knocked near £100 off my best quote on the comparison sites. Brilliant little cars, loads of potential you will love it. I'm now on my 4th because I've regretted selling up lol

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Hi guys I know I need to insure it as a glanza v its not that, that is confusing. I realise that if I don't insure it as a glanza v I might aswel not be insured but its on the website it describes the car as; no alarm, no tracker and is not imported. Do I have to declare that it is an import? Even if I have it down as a glanza v?

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