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yup done it! cost abt £200? i think but it gave me more confidence and awareness on the motorway my instructor delibratly took me there for the majority of the hours as he thinks motorway driving is the hardest n i agree! i was all over the show on my first run now i take it in my stride.....insurance was abt £1600-£1800 then it went down to £1400 or so so you make the money back.....ure a girl tho so ure insurance will naturally be low :p

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if i was you Josie, i'd get my theory test booked in for or slightly after my birthday which i should of done myself instead of doing lessons first, few days revision and you can get it passed.

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they just tick you off till you reach the expected level.....tbh just think about ure theory 1st take it one step at a time...

doing my theory test a week after my 17th bday, .. boyfriends paying (so he says lol) so i hope i pass first time, seen as tho on the particse cds i passed everytime and he only starting passing when i helped him lol :p

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do you just ask your driving instructor? or do you have to go with someone else?

driving instructor, thats if he or she is qualified to do it.

mine will be easy, he'll just mark it off for me because he is sorted :p

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think i passed a week before my 18th? took ayggggggggges because i could only afford 1 lesson a week n i wanted to pass first time so i took extra lesson because i new if i failed it would knock my confidence alot...but passed first time

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Depends realy if your with one of these big name companies like RAC or something theyll charge u more i think but if your with one of the one man skools thn theyd chrge at the normal rate,

i passed my test 4 month ago now and did pass plus straight after saved me 30% on my insurance :p

but dont expect to pass (your test) first time round i passed second and now the goverment seem to be trying to keep people of the road who knows u may pass first time but i dunno if this is true or not but "the driver who pass's the 2nd time round is a better driver then some one who passes first time" any one else been told that ????????????????


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yer i think sometimes thats true, my mate (a girl) was driving, just passed, a week later bumped her car, got it fixed, two days later smashed the back window n all the boot whilest parking! got it fixed, shes been into the back of about 3/4 people, slammed on loads and had a few other bumps! and she passed first time ... :p

i got told aswell if you have your own driving instructa aswell as the examiner theres more chance of you passing cause he cant fail you on stupid things.. happened to a mate, took there test 3 times failed all 3, had his driving insturcta in the car 4th time, and passed.. heard this off other people too!!

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in my opinion its well worth doing if you have literally jus passed your test. gives u confidence with your instructor by yourside helping you if your not that confident. will help u in drinving at night and on motorways ie M25 etc. i was forced to do mine as they wouldnt insure me on a modded corsa without it because of my age and my driving instructor knew i had been on the roads for a year on my dads insurance it was only when i went on my own to build up my no claims did they require it. :mellow:

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did mine 5years ago, was 6 extra lessons, which for me then were £12 per lesson lol, i would do it tbh just for extra experience for roads uv never been on let alone the insurance drop

i mean how can u be expected to go on motorways when you arent allowed on them til u pass your test?!

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i found mine extremely helpfull if only to gain a bit of experiance with somone who taught me how to drive in the first place, i also was taught to drive quickly on national speed limit roads without being a danger and was taught how to drive sensibly at night.

Before i started it i wasnt sure if it was gonna be any help and was mainly doing it for cheaper insurance but the first day i was driving to college, on the motorway the heavens opened and nobody could see a thing. The whole of the m61 was litterally travelling at 30mph it was that bad but because id already been on the motorway and more importantly been taught how to drive on it properly (im amazed at how many "experianced" drivers still dab there brakes every 5 mins) i was fine, stayed calm and didnt get wound up.

But then again my instructor was a bit of a ledge and had a real passion for what he was doing. I know first hand that more often than not driving instructors are just out to swindle you for as much cash a possible and dont actually care about wether you can drive properly or not.

I put this single reason down the the fact that in 4 years and over 80,000 miles ive had 0 accidents and 0 speeding tickets. Lets hope i can continue on like this eh? *touches all the wood i can find..................giggaty*

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pass plus can cost but is worth it in my opinion!

i have it i did it right after i passed my test 9 & 1/2 years ago and was well worth every penny!

mind you hasnt stopped me crashing shit loads though! but insurance companies still recognise it!

what the course is basically teaching you how to drive more confidently at night, in the rain, in fog, on motorways and other basic that you cant lean because of the restriction applied to learner drivers.

if you manage to fail pass plus i would be amazed that you even have a licence! there is no actual test it is all done by continual monitoring by your instructor as you do it. think it works out as about 10 hours of addition lesson or something like that. but the instructor has to be qualified to issue pass plus and you should be sent a certificate after you have passed.

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think mine worked out at about £20 for the full course as the council payed the rest. didnt really help my insurance at all to be honest.....

good fun though, but my instructor was majic, sat at 80-90mph in a 3series bmw :mellow:

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