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Hi all,

I don't know if anyone on here has ever dealt with awesome imports but they should be avioded. I got my Glanza rear bumper from them in "mint condition" only to find a scuff on the left hand side coloured in with marker pen. The bumper also came looking like shit but after an hours worth of buffing the rest looks good again.

I clearly stated i didn't want to buy a bumper that i had to paint but they conned me into buying the piece of crap i got. I paid £80 for the bumper and i have made it clear to them im not happy. If this bumper is in mint condition it makes you wonder what kind of cars they are selling.

They are cockey and seem to enjoy annoying people as they have with me. So please avoid so you don't make the same dumb mistake i have.

I have also been kindly informed that they are worse than Keighly that we have up here in the north. I wished i'd asked around before buying.


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The court thing doesn't appear to have persuaded them. They have probably had threats before before have come to nothing but i can easily get it done so i will take it as far as i like.

It's also not just me they have done over. According to a very good source they regularly do it.

Warn members of any other websites you are a member of.


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indeed, much harder than it sounds, the effort and money involved for such a small amount is often not worth it, it'll be interesting at least, to be honest they probably won't even respond.

i've met em a few times by the way, so do know of them.

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