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Petrol prices drop below £1!

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Mine was based on normal unleaded as thats what the Mazda drinks.. not checked out the super yet, but would imagine it would be about 105.9 or something along those lines.. Shame my Starlet is out of action >_<

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problem is, everyone is 'panic buying' in a way, just going to fill up when there is no need, which will in turn put prices up again (and they are going up again because there is a meeting this week to up the price of oil because its halved)

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Its fooked man....one side of the argument is that people dont mind paying a diff of between just say 20p-to a few pounds for an organic item (wether its truthfully organic or not they dont have a clue) compared to a "normal" one and go haywire when petrol goes up by 5-6p a liter...n so on n so forth

we used to be able to get somewhere with protest etc back in the days now every1ns got a hectic lifestyle and dont have time to even complain...thus we just take what is given to us

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At the moment prices are very competitive between supermarkets (tescos.. morrisons).

Where petrol has dropped for what might be a couple of weeks the crappy 'system' will no doubt gain elsewhere.

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we used to be able to get somewhere with protest etc back in the days now every1ns got a hectic lifestyle and dont have time to even complain...thus we just take what is given to us

Oh so true. If there was a protest for this i would be there!!!


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i knew they would do this.

think of it like this. if you want to make more money off of something that people have to buy regardless the cost put the prise up realy high to take the piss and cause uproar then bring it down still high above what it was and everyone is happy lol.

mind controll

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