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Website Suggestion

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Hey chaps, only a short idea, but a bright one (as im usually fairly simple ;) )

I thought it might be an idea to have a section of the website where you can find all guides that we have put together, such as Sicaln's bodykits guide and stuff.

I thought it might be a good idea to have something like this, where we use the kind of forum text box where we would enter the guide that we are posting, as we would on a forum, but then once its on the website it would look kinda normal to a website, and then only the maker of the guide (and ofcourse admin of the website and stuff) would be able to edit it, but nobody can reply so its just a straight forward guide with no comments?

I thought this might help those who want to find out stuff, we can then point them in the direction of the guides where they can click what they want to find out, and be able to find out in simple form along with pictures and such.

I thought this would be a good idea as the technical vault on the forum is locked to mods only, as i just made a guide and couldnt post it up there as i didnt have the privilages to do so.

OR maybe if we posted it in the technical vault, if its worthy of being entered to the guides on the main site, it can be done so by a mod/admin with the guide makers name and username credited?

What do you think?

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this is something that has been discussed quite abit galliano, a full shake up of the technical volt/

there is going to be section(s) where people can submit any specific information they want and it will be subclassed, but its only got past the discustion stage as the website/forum upgrade takes presidence at the moment.

once those two have been done then the forum will getting hacked with a few ips mods but which ones we are not sure of at the moment as moding the forum comprimises its integrity and can leed to ips errors

but. . . .

one of the main features will be wiki style posts that anyone can alter to gain/edit information on a certain subject.

once enough info is colaited on a certain subject it will be coded into the flash site for all to see.

bear with us dude it should happen i just dont have enough hands to impliment it at this stage. :D

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Being able to reply in information topics has the advantage of people posting extra bits of useful info, but on the other hand you'll usually have to read through some useless posts or wrong information. It's swings and roundabouts.

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