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what would you do ?

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i was just messing arround with insurance the other day and found that as im over 21 now my insurance should go down this year so i was messing arround on money super market yesterday and found out that after christmas i could afford to insure a integra type r for less than i paid for the starlet renewal last year. my starlet insurance is going to go down by half.

aghhh what would you do ?

i just recently bought a hybrid and was exited about having it all put on and set up but now i have found this out im not sure what to do as i love the teg as i have heard the drive is outstanding through the twisties and there powerfull cars 2. bets front wheel drive cars i have heard.

anyones views much appreciated.

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i constantly argue with my friend who is pure civic through and through, personally i think a nicely set up hybrid ep91/ep82 would be a very good match up against a teg, tegs are very nice and if i were to have any it would be a teg or ek9.

it's a decision only you can make a hybrid ep82 would be more hardcore, were as the teg would be a more drivable one. hybrid your ep82 experience that for a bit then get a teg- best of both worlds :blink:

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personally im not a fan of the integras - would much prefer a supra.

so my decision would be keep the starlet for another year and hybrid, experience that and move up - meaning both insurance and teg prices would be down even further

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Hybrid as you'll find VTEC as boring as fuck after driving a turbo car :blink:

If you don't believe me then go test drive one, they aint all that mate. Completely different drive to the starlet but i wouldn't bother if i was you.

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personally im not a fan of the integras - would much prefer a supra.

No offence but Tegs and Supra's are in completley different leagues to each other!

Supra's are shite I think personally, having all that power in a RWD is pointless. They just don't put the power down enough.

Teg's are ok, but I would personally rather do the hybrid on an 82. Teg's are nice to drive, and a Type R will be nippy but I dont think you would enjoy it as much as the Hybrid!

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In my opinion there is only so much you can do feesably to a starlet.

no matter how much power you go for its still a FWD. im personally getting all the little things sorted on the starlet and then its up for sale and im getting an mr2 turbo.. Much more usable power and can get 300bhp with simple modifications.

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Supras are either RWD or 4WD, not FWD.

Im having a similar problem Briggers mate, I dont know whether to sell the Glanza in the new year and get an S14, or keep it and finish the project. :blink:


hahahaha, 4wd? are you joking?

bunch of nubs.

supe's are rwd, all of them. n/a or turbs, they all have the same chassis and drivetrain layouts, with different types of gbox (5sp, 6sp, autos etc). all driven through the same wheels though.

also, all that power in a rwd being useless? what the fuck are you talking about? you get more of it on the road than with 4wd, as they suffer transmission loss. makes sense round the twisties, but if you can drive properly then rwd is just as capable round the bends, 4wd is just cheating, and for big girls, wheres the fun if you dont have the risk of dying in a fiery death ;]

tegs are different cars to starlets entirely. they handle well, for a start. they are fantastic round the twisties, absolutely demonic handling, you cant compare them to starlets as its a completely different car in its entirety. If you want to smash round the twisties, then yes, get a teg, if you want straightline power, then keep the starlet, it just depends what you want out of the car.

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personally im not a fan of the integras - would much prefer a supra.

so my decision would be keep the starlet for another year and hybrid, experience that and move up - meaning both insurance and teg prices would be down even further

SpeedFreak beat me to it!!

You cannot compare those cars just like you cant compare a GT to a Teg :(

Both awsome cars but as said vtec is not all that I dont think, went in my mates B16 and I was looking at the rev counter waiting for it to kick in, and well it was like waiting for bad sex :o

Hybrid GT will give you much more of a buzz IMHO :blink:

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well thanks for all the replies.

i think i will just do what i intended and go hybrid and run that for a while. then the following year get something i have always dreamed of.

my car feels quick and gives me a buzz but i cant realy see puting on my hybrid turbo will make much of a difference.

other than being slightly faster and no boost creep i cant imagine it being like ohh my god!! like when i first drove the starlet.

if it does then wicked and if anyone could reply their views on the hybrid itself. that would be great.

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as mentioned it's all about what you want out of a car!

over a hybrid GT (because Glanzas are girly) and a Teg, i'd take the GT because i'm a boost fan and i know how good a well set-up starlet can be when it comes to twisties as well as liking the looks over a DC2!

alough you can't deny how the chassis characteristics of a Teg is in it's own FWD league.

i'd say it's worth having a good look around one and poss being taken for a spin before you go making your mind up over what people say on the internet! :blink:

but if you can drive properly then rwd is just as capable round the bends, 4wd is just cheating, and for big girls, wheres the fun if you dont have the risk of dying in a fiery death ;]

sounds like Awd-a-phobia to be, commonly found in Rwd owners who belive in fairies and the easter bunny!

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I personally am a fan of AWD! But then I am biast because my partner has an evo 3. I've not come across any rwd's that can put power down better than his AWD, but then I suppose it depends on the driver too. He has raced many rwd's and fwd's and not any could keep with his launches.

Maybe its just because he has spent stupid money on it.

Im not a fan of rwd for straight line power, but defo a fan for those lovely windy roads.

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My brother owned a teg for a year and I had the pleasure of driving it several times, it was hailed as the best FWD car of all time by Evo Magazine, and it deserves it in every respect. It is such a raw car that handles superbly, if you watch best motoring there is a video of an STi Impreza that cant shake a DC2 of its tail on a track, and for a FWD car that 'only' has 187bhp, its a massive achievement, I would recommend test driving a DC2 before making any decisions, but its very hard to come across a low milage UK eample...

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if you watch best motoring there is a video of an STi Impreza that cant shake a DC2 of its tail on a track, and for a FWD car that 'only' has 187bhp, its a massive achievement

i would put that down to the driver!

unless it's modified........ AWD and with 100bhp more..... dosn't add up

[please don't start talking about awd transmission loss and power:weight or i will just laugh and put you on ignore]

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I had a drive in my mates Crx with a B20 engine conversion. In terms of Vtec fun, it does sound awesome, but theres no real kick in the arse from it even in 1st and 2nd gear, it just feels smooth and progressive, before you know it you're flying but you dont get a sense of acceleration that good old boost gives you. Just something to bear in mind. I can't pass judgement on how a teg drives I've never driven one. I hear they are superb in the handling department as mentioned above!

My Glanza hopefully will soon be where I want it (at 200bhp). Even now running 170 odd it is immense fun esp. on coilovers. I would stick with it mate from my experience untill you can move on to something with more potential and rear wheel/Four wheel drive. Personally, the only thing I cant think would replace the starlet would be something along the lines of an Evo, Skyline, Silvia or Supra. Like others have mentioned I have also seen many people go from a starlet to a Vtec machine, then revert straight back after getting bored! Boost is addictive, when you dont have it you'll realise how much you miss it. :p

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