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i have more problems with the car...

it stalled on me the other day at a roundabout, and refused to start again.. i realised the engine electrics light was out on the dash... so i pushed it out of the way and had a look at the fuse box, it turns out the efi fuse (15amp) had blown... so i replaced it, and all was well again.

next day; pulled away from some traffic lights, same thing happened... only had a 20amp fuse so replaced it with that and it was fine again... untill 2 hours later it did it again.

next day; did it again while reversing into a space at work, and it popped the fuse instantly as i put it in the holder... it did this to 3 packs of fuses, and even did it to a 30amp. i left it for an hour and cut out a new 1.5v light i'd wired into the sidelights, and it was fine.

yesterday; blew the fuse again while at some traffic lights. replaced it to get it to a local garage, and the only thing they could find was a slightly loose battery earth strap.

it was fine since tightening it up but im not convinced that ive seen the end of this problem as the constant fuse blowing could really only be caused by a total short out. and it only ever happens when the engine is labouring (just pulling away), i tried to make it do it infront of the mechanic but it wouldnt do it.

has anyone ever come across this problem before? or have any ideas as to what it could be? as its my daily driver and i do loads of miles a week, and i cant afford for it to keep breaking down.


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prob is just an earth problem if its that loose could touch against somethin and pop a fuse easy specially if pullen away as the engine will rock slightly under load and quite easily touch somethin under bonnet or wherever it was!?!?! take his word for it mate after all he is the mechanic(dont take offence to that mate i no you no a lot bout cars!!!)

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thats a c*nt, theres obivusly a loose wire somewhere,

looks like your gona have to get an electrician out,

i have a loose wire on my glanza and every time i jump out of the f00ker i get a wee electric shox :lol:

had the same problem with my sr cost me 55 beans to get it fixed.

sorry i cant help you bud.

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sounds like an earthing problem to me matey.

when i changed the inlet mani on mine i didnt connect the earthing wires that ran off of the old mani properly. all was well for ages then one night on the way home from the starlet meet at bluewater i was plodding along nicely and sudenly the lights start flickering and the engine light pops on and off continously and the temp gauge is all over the shop. lol all it was was an earth lead. sounds like the same happened to yours.

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yes it would. your idea has enspired me into actually sourcing the parts.

im gonna get the quads off my drag racing friend for nothing and use my old inlet as a backing plate and weld the 2 together (well my dad will do the welding lol)

then gonna have to find a dif ecu of a plug n play chip thingy

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yeah, i hope its cured it... it hasnt done it for a day straight, altho i did up the tickover a bit, so its not ideling so low.

what is everyones tickover set at?

oh, and starletboy, none taken mate. :lol:

and prangers, i was gonna do this quad throttlebody set up too, but i cant risk any more probelms... let me know if your mate has any other tb's to spare though?


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