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My First Crack At Hdr

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Heres my first attempt at some HDR photography. Its using only 2 layers instead of 3 as usually used but its a start!


Will update with more shortly. Theres so many adjustments you can make using HDR its crazy, I had at least 10 versions of the above pic and couldnt decide which looked the best so I just picked randomly. :(

Inputs and suggestions very welcome :lol:

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Looks awesome buddy :lol:

I have a photo location in mind for when your down next looking for photos.

Maunsell house (where i just had my prom) is awesome for scenery... the driveway is pretty long so you can get some good landscape shots too!

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Another one.


i personally really like this one, it's got some really nice tonal variations, if you dull the contrast a bit to bring out the blue then on the other layor make the orange on the windows and sky stand out more it will work really well as orange and blue are complimentary colours... would look mint!

o and crop the road so it doesn't take so much of the image up that way your car will be on the third (google rule of thirds)

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Cheers guys, I'ts opened up so much scope for more photos now, I think I might go out now and take some more :(

Gall, I'm coming to the big T tomorrow for a couple days, you free bro?

In the mean time. :lol:


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i personally really like this one, it's got some really nice tonal variations, if you dull the contrast a bit to bring out the blue then on the other layor make the orange on the windows and sky stand out more it will work really well as orange and blue are complimentary colours... would look mint!

o and crop the road so it doesn't take so much of the image up that way your car will be on the third (google rule of thirds)

Cheers man! Always looking for hints and tips. You into the photography too?

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yeah i dable lol but i do an Animation degree and have just been through a colour module- also done a foundation year in art and design so color and perspective are my thing :(

i would totally look up the rule of thirds it will help out loads and if you ever think hhmm this picture just doesn't look right that's probably because it's far to centred. you seem to have a good natural eye for it as if you look at all your pictures the main focus point is all on one third of that image. really nice work dude :lol:

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Wow sounds like a cool course mate! I really appreciate input like that, very helpful and makes me want to try more :lol:

How about this? It is'nt perfect but much more saturation and I've made it darker, also cropped it a tad!


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Wow sounds like a cool course mate! I really appreciate input like that, very helpful and makes me want to try more :lol:

How about this? It is'nt perfect but much more saturation and I've made it darker, also cropped it a tad!

the course is soooo hard but has it's perks lol

crop it more! :(:D so it like a proper landscape style picture, that would look nice! i think i like the first one more but if you can bring out the orange more in the clouds that would just set it off...i think this photo is a defo pic of the month contender

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They look prety savage mate!

I'd shoot a couple more exposures tho also another way to do it is shoot on .RAW then knock the exposure up in increments in the contrast.

I've been meaning to have a proper go at HDR for a while

You've enspired me!

Mite have to try some myself this week me thinks :lol:

My only problem is as there HDR 32 or 16bit

How the hell do u convert that to JPEG...?

My CS3 doesn't want to do it :D

How'd u sort it mate? :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow sounds like a cool course mate! I really appreciate input like that, very helpful and makes me want to try more :)

How about this? It is'nt perfect but much more saturation and I've made it darker, also cropped it a tad!


i love that pic..keep up the good work :lol:


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