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Alien God's In Ancient Times

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This was spurred on by watching 'the 4th kind' yesterday and has subsequently keep me up all night researching it....

So I thought I'd throw this in here if anyone wants to read it

(Its for my uni work altho i think I've kind of gone a little off track with it... B) )

Anyway enjoy its a bit of a massive read/watch etc, but if your just browsing UKSC and your down for some hardcore factual enlightenment DO IT!

JAG's CG Art's 'n' Animation Blog

Enjoy :p

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iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting stuff Dr Jackson....lol, wee stargate joke there hehehe.

always find these theories fascintating, alternative theories, its good gear. the one about the moon, I've studied geography and geology for MANY years, and that its a fairly common theory on the moon's formation.

interesting reading there dude.


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Cheers for sorting the link Redz not really sure why it died as i tried it after i posted it?

I blame aliens.

I just found it all so fascinating I couldn't help but throw it up here B)

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very wel dun mate!I've seen the 4th kind and im very VERY interested in what awaits us out ther!I've always had the opinion that we r in affect,akiens version of goldfish!they can watch everythin we do!we r ther creation and also the sattelites weve lost i believe they hav taken to examine how we r progressin technology wise!

the 4th kind was frickin awesome though!!

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totally understand JAG mate, my fascination with the little-known comes in the form of Lillith...look her up and try that shit on for size! i LOVE it! love bringing it up in discussions with overly religious types! i believe in God, but i believe there's a lot we havnt been told, and Lillith is the perfect example!


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