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Over Boostin

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well my car is over boostin. should only be runnin standard boost. but its goin up stupidly high.

i have a blitz boost controller turned it right down and still doin the same.

i think i have a standard actuator.

i rang the performance garage near me they said could be actuator problem or a hose come off?

they want me to get my car booked in there for a hour so carnt be that big problem(im guessin)

but if anyone could help me so i dont have to take the car to the garge it would help me alot.

thanks tat

sorry it its in wrong section

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I had problems with overboosting before. If you have an air filter mounted just behind your front bumper that could be one cause maybe. Or a hose may have come loose which could easily be sorted. Another alternative is to port the wastegate which should stop the over boosting. But listing your spec would help identify a possible cause.

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its got front monunt,front exit exhaust,autobhan down pipe, theres a crack in my standard manifold!!!could that be the problem?

got a sps come in the post today. theres no air filter on it its got chicken wire over the hole. greddy dumpvalve.

thats about it engine wise.


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theres no air filter on it its got chicken wire over the hole.

Lol its not a hole it a turbo......if thats running an un ported ct9 its going to be a very creepy setup esp with the side exit, stick efi pipe back on and it will be fine. Or port the wastegate on the "hole" (turbo).

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sorry mate lol.

what do you mean by a very creepy set up?. how do you port the wastegate could you please explain. i havent got the efi pipe mate dint come with one onli had the car few week. so what shold i try 1st?

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Yeah by creepy i ment boost creep, you car is set up to pass a lot of air through it i.e no filter so it can suck plenty of the stuff in, short exhaust exit allowing turbo to spool more again sucking more air in.

Id say upgrade the actuator but i very much doubt it will solve your problem, porting the wastegate is a case of taking the turbo of the car a grinding the wastegate so its bigger meaning you can get rid of more excess gases allowing it to hold boost better and not creep.

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