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well had quite a sad end to a nice night after playing 2 games of footy in a row then driving home came off the 60 limit into llandulas not too far from mine, me and my mate saw the car that was 2 places infront of us hit something and just carried on driving the other cars swerved to avoid it, i noticed a cat proper having a fit so we turned around to see if it was alive atleast and parked infront of it and put the hazard lights on to stop any other traffic going near it, the poor thing was dead, we went to a few houses and one of them gave us a box so with my plastic bags i put on my hands i put the cat (which was dead unfortunatly poor thing) in the box which was hard and felt awful but i couldnt leave it in the road, and we left a note attatched on the box.

it just made us think how can 3 cars including the one that hit the poor thing just drive off, if it was my cat i would be fuming, well we did ask around a few houses and went to the local pub asking but no luck just thought we should at least try and find the cats owners because i would want someone to atleast attempt to look for me if it was mine, i just hope the poor animal didnt suffer

the cat had no collar or anything so was kinda hard and we didnt know where to start.

r.i.p :D

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i wasnt the worlds biggest cat fan til i met my mrs, but i still would never wana hurt one.

i once hit a Weimaramer (spelling?) in my old escort, the dog lived fine he just bounced off, my headlight was dead and buried, but I've always had dogs, and i was shaken for days after it.

i even swerve to avoid mice and frogs since i met the mrs! not that i ever aimed for anything before i met her i'd like to add, she just lived further in the country than me so u saw wildlife on the road alot more than in the town, never seen a mouse on a town road before lol.


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I'd rather be more worried about the state of my car if i hit a cat. Don't really like cats so wouldn't bother me to much but i understand how some people could get into a state :D

same as me, hate the things, really really hate the things, and i would of been one of the people to drive on, if you wer close enough to see it was only hit by the car two infront, if one of the others whacked on the brakes, this thread would have been called "some stupid cunt slammed on the brakes for a cat, and now my car is wrecked"

im sure you dont have to stop if you hit a cat, but do if you hit a dog. never the less, i hate cats, and they get run over all the time, because people think cats are pets, but only when they decide on them to be a pet, if it goes and runs around, there aint no cat warden to go and get it, yet if one of my dogs pisses off, some dog warden gets it, and i get charged £150 for it, so that shows the countries attitude towards cats.

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you are most correct scot-ish man, if u hit a dog your meant to report it to the fuzz, but not cats.

nor do cat owners have to pay a licence fee, when the damn things can go and dig up and shit in ANYONE'S garden, yet dog owners who's dogs stay within their own premises 100% of the time (i.e. my dogs) have to pay licence fees?? f**kin bollox that is.


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bloody hell phil them things are massive lol like small deers haha

there cool dogs aswell, we had one, but got rid and got hungarian viszla's instead, still love seeing the weimaraner, but not too keen on them now with the no docking shit that was brought in, tails dont look right on them, and do the dogs no good

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thats the bonus of living over here, vets here will still dock the tails, hence why our pup has his docked THANKFULLY!!!! boxers with long tails are WRONG!!

also, yes, the dog i hit was HUGE!! it was the owners fault tho, he admitted fault and bought me a new headlight, and his Mrs yapped the head off him lol!!! still see the dog dandering about from time to time, where as the escort died......survival of the fittest or what!


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