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Had A Slight Accident Tonight :(

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Man that sucks :thumbsup:

I know how you feel, when i was learning and made mistakes, i didn't want to carry on but you learn from your mistakes.

Its only a car at the end of the day and lucky no one was hurt, cars can be replace, people can't B)

Head up high matey!

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You silly boy B) im sure it will be ok mate just next time ask your dad to move it :thumbsup: its a bit tricky for me to drive the way the weather is a the mo and I've past my test lol.... listen to me you would think i was you dad telling you off lol just take you time next time mate

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The extra weight of the 98spec bumper + lip has creating extreme downforce whilst reversing resulting in slipping in the ice...

Morale of the story, 96SPEC BABY!!

Joke sonny, Thats dead shit mate. Sorry to hear that because i know how much effort you went to sourcing parts of that glanza kit! Hope you get it sorted asap! im sure it'll be done by the time you pass so keep your head up brother!

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it is really slippy mate, My mate came back from uni where it wasn't snowing parked his audi a3 on his drive, which is at quite an angle, started unloading his bags and when he shut his door, the whole car (with the handbrake on!!) slid down his drive into his sisters clio, and knocked that into the middle of the street.

Lol His dad came out and blamed it on him!!!

got a big dent in back bumper

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