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Had A Wee Bump Today:(

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just tell him, your gunna need to go to insurance. and for that too happen, you will need to go to the police for a crime reference, that will get his arsehole going. and should get you your payout.

oh, and handbrake turns get you careless driving.

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I'd inform the police straight away, he drove without consideration to other road users. Although you 'should' of been able to stop in time if you had kept the correct braking distance. As soon as the police find out then you'll be able to fast-track your insurance claim.

Driving without due care and attention is an offence in accordance with Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988

Nail his ass, who cares if he'll think your a dick. Dicks fuck assholes.

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been thinking about this all night and I've decided im not going to take it through insurance, the damage is very minimal except the front splitter which im gutted about:( the front bumper is fine just some scuffs and the bonnet is slightley bent at the front if i cant get it straigtened out ill just buy a new 1 as for the bumper id like a 98 spec 1 and i could do with some new headlights since 1 of the adjusters are broken. it wont be forgotten about tho ill sort it out my own way, the way i should have yesterday!

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I know its you mate but if it was mine i would of smashed his teeth through the back off his head :)

1 for been a full on prick

2 for puting your life at risk and your gf

3 for haveing a saxo :o

I hope you get things sorted out mate and your car is back in shape asap :p

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took some pics o the damage, it really isnt that bad, spoke to the guy who did my bodywork last time he can do it whenever i can drop the car off but i need the car atm as my van blew up lol (dont ask).

he says the splitter should be fine and he will just smooth it into the bumper if i want:D was planning to get the bumper tidied up since cutting it for the fmic anyway.

i need a new intercooler core as well as mines is fecked

excuse the dirt on the car its not been washed in a few days





doesnt look too bad does it?

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The intercooler core looks fine, is it leaking? Take it off and turn the core around so the bent fins are at the back, they won't go noticed and the cleaner side of the cooler will be showing too. :)

The bonnet can probably be tapped out without damaging the paint, chances are it'll need a little blow over though as it will probably crack. Depends how good your body work dude is, he might heat the paint and tap it straight.

Either way, glad its not too bad. Good luck with the repairs!

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it isnt as bad as i thought it would be. the guy is good. its the same dude who done my sill and u remember the state that was in. im not worried about the bonnet. if it wasnt my mrs' bday next week id have put my name down on your cf bonnet gb lol

EDIT - the ic core is fucked mate the other side is fucked too, it was a 2nd hand 1 i baught and id already turned it to the clean side lol.

i need a new hotside pipe route anyway so ill just buy a full kit

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Ste pointed out the key fact :p

Mates or not I fucking hate it when people agree to get it sorted and then have the the cheek to fuck you over when your not there, two faced wankers :o

I would go kick his and his dads faces in.

If they want to play like that I would seek legal advice and go to the police and get him done for handbraking and careless driving etc.

Not sure what the insurance would say tbh they are also a waste of space :)

It doesnt look that bad though in all honesty mate but its something which needs to be sorted becuase of someone elses stupidity

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I would be getting him to pay for it mate, if he doesn't tell him you'll report it to the police and go through the insurance, it'll cost him an awful lot more that way.

Did you take any pics of the accident??

If you have a witness and tell them exactly what happened then it should go in your favour as his damage is to the front of the car. Its not as if you were travelling so close and just went into the back of him.

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thanks for the advice guys, due to the fact we wer both m8s i didnt want to go to police, tbh i wouldnt go to the police who ever done it. but i have sorted it my own way tonight. i didnt ask for money or go to his insurance company but this is not the place to be talking about what i did!

Anyway, the dude whos gonna fix it works from home and i cant drop the car off there because thers like 4 cars in his drive and 2 in his booth (yeah he has a spray booth in his back garden lol) he says to drop the front bumper off and he'll sort that out first then we can set about the rest, im not desperate to get it done im just pissed off a bit because im driving around with a bashed up car. I've also been speaking to a guy about a CF bonnet and we might come to an agreement 2moz, tbh i wanted to sort out my front bumper anyway after cutting it for fmic and the carbon bonnet would be a bonus and who wouldnt like a brand new set of headlights lol

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i didnt ask for money or go to his insurance company but this is not the place to be talking about what i did!

. I've also been speaking to a guy about a CF bonnet and we might come to an agreement 2moz, tbh i wanted to sort out my front bumper anyway after cutting it for fmic and the carbon bonnet would be a bonus and who wouldnt like a brand new set of headlights lol

Think I can hazard a guess :o lol

Happy days then mate looks like you will have a nice fresh front end anyway :)

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lol sparky.

yeah it will be nice to have a fresh front end, i was planning on doing it anyway but not just yet money is tight for me in january and febuary due to work i have to make my money in december to get me through so this has come at a bad time lol but im in no rush atm ill get it done when i can afford it.

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Guest ep82_girl

if he done a handbrake turn infront of you then it is his fault it is dangeous driving and if he wants to be arsey take it futher. you have a witness as your mrs was in the car.

if you need any help i can mob one of the solictors in work lol. we helped a guy off tgtt with a problem where someone was saying it was his fault and werent.

funnily she admitted it was her fault and not his once a sol got involved :)


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