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HeyGuys i couldent wait to get home lastnight to Fit ma ne TMIC i fitted it all on and took it out for a spin but whe i go to put ma foot down the car feels like its shuddering like the car stops and atarts almost as if i was releasing and aplying gas but when i put ma stock one back on she runs as she always did i never hit fuel cut befor so i dont know what it is ?

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hi mate, the rx7 tmic will up the boost, mine went from 0.83 to 0.88 bar when i fitted my rx7 tmic. so thatll probs be your problem, mine still doesnt hit fuel cut but i do have apexi fitted and im guessing the guy 4 me musta fitted a fuel cut defender but im not sure were it is if he did.lol.

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It sound's like fuel cut, but i'm not sure if it is. Let's assume your running a standard actuator boosting 0.7bar, The only mods you have that'll affect boost are Cat back/Tmic, I struggle to see how they will increase your boost from 0.7bar --> 0.85bar (ish) which is fuel cut. I would understand if you had a Manifold and Decat fitted. You Don't have a manifold/Decat do you?


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Yea changing those pipes just means your always on high boost (0.7bar), If you connect the pipes back up for the minute, fit your fmic and run the car on low boost and if there's no problems then the problem is fuel cut because the TMIC is causing the boost to creep. To fix this you do have a few options,

- I believe porting the wastegate prevents boost creep

- FCD, I wouldnt reccomend it but some people have different opinions.

- Get a boost controller

You get the idea, To run that tmic your going to need to cap off that boost. If the tmic is causing you to boost creep 0.2 bar, you need to cap the boost off at 0.6 so that the boost creeps upto 0.8. I hope i'm making sense.

I ran a rx7 top mount and it was fine with no fuel cut, but i didnt have a cat back.

Another note worth mentioning ky my friend. Running higher than 0.7 bar off boost on the standard manifold is not cool, The manifold's 3rd running is restricted and can do some damage. So just be careful mate.

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Thanks for all the feed back guys im goin to have to hold on to ma rex for a lil while till i can raise the funds to buys a actuator and Boost controller does it have to be a Electical one i mean theres so expesive for a good one even the second hand ones are over a 100 squid and thats just the second hand ones! i see a few solid looking Manual ones on ebay and som cheap Electric ones to but not HKS or greedy or anything some one should set up a group buy for some decent well price ones get them in from aborud! or sumink lol

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Was at the local scrapy on saturday and seen a Rx7 top mount,in a crashed glanza,didnt ask the fella how much he was lookin for it could get it cheap if any yous guys were interested,my bros got one on his glanza good upgrade from standard top mount.

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