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Dunno What To Do

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Got mega family issue's at the moment as mum and dad have split (has happened before) But this time i cannot see them getting back Also my mother is thinking bout moving out leaving me to get on with it basically! My old man just said bye and that he won't be coming back then drove off with everything he own's apart from his Car's, And He has never gone back on his words!

Proper worried to be honest on what I'm going to do! And hoping there going to sort it out! Proper shitting it! especially as i am on shitty apprentice wage's until im qualified in May!

Sorry to moan on here but just really do not know what to do!

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Aw man, i could never imagine what it would be like if my parents did split.. Hate thinking about it.

I have no advice mate, i would if i did but never being in the situation all i can say is keep your chin up buddy.

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Thats sad to hear man!

presuming you are staying with your mum, i would offer as much help financial help as possible.

If need be you may have to sell extra cars if any.

you will have to take into account whos name the house is on? or is it rented?

If your mum does not work she can apply for job seekers? There are a range of benifits that the council offers i guess?

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Cheer's mate but my mum is convinced she is going to move out and live with her sister that's the main problem really! i may have to sell the car and try and make do until im qualified so i can get my own place :)

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Guest ep82_girl

ahhh hunni :) so hope your ok.

you just need to be supportive now and take over the roll as man of the house.

i know you feel may is ages away but it is less than 2 months and then you will have more money, so just cut down on things you dont need until then :)


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Bad times man. Im in the same situation ie mum walked out (last night funily enough) apart from dads staying in house however his diabetic and on job seekers at the moment after his business went bankrupt

What allways keeps me going is looking on bright side of things. and help out as much as possible etc

hope you get it sorted pal :)

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Cheer's, It has already made me realize i've got to get out and start earning some proper money and start saving up, I know it sounds bad but time's like these make you realize other important stuff,

I just hope they sort it out but cannot see it happening to be honest

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wow man that really is tough.

you will have to sleep around i guess till you get a job.

You could help them sort the probs they were having, and also talk to them about how you would like them to get back togather.

a few tips i came across

> Your mum may need extra space or alone time, or she may want to keep you as close as possible for a while. She may want to talk things through with you, or she may seem completely silent on the subject. Do your best to be as patient and understanding as you can, no matter how she is feeling on any particular day.

> Don't allow yourself to worry so much about your mum/dad.

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