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Today Hasnt Gone To Plan Lol

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started my new job today in my works gave me a new van all stuff that i needed to do my job was cleaning the van out cut my head open 7 stiches the cut is about 5cm long you had to see how much blood come out of it i thort i was going to bleed to death on the plus side got the rest of the day off lol

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You should be ready for tomorrow.

i fell of my cousins stupid bicycle it had the brakes swapped around! i was boosting it down a hill and pulled on the rear (front) brake and went flying over the handle bars broke my right arm cut my head open in 2 places. took 4 weeks off school. Never rode a german bicycle again.

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You should be ready for tomorrow.

i fell of my cousins stupid bicycle it had the brakes swapped around! i was boosting it down a hill and pulled on the rear (front) brake and went flying over the handle bars broke my right arm cut my head open in 2 places. took 4 weeks off school. Never rode a german bicycle again.

:rolleyes::( i can picture that happenin lol, like something out of a cartoon

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nah i was siriously just cleaning it out and had the 2 rear doors open and theres a little hook where the doors grab onto once shut just measured my cut its just under 4inches with 7stiches lol my mrs measured it :rolleyes: the nurse told me 5cm lmao

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she tried to convey something else being 5 cm lol

What did you bang your head on? the hook? i can imagine that and i felt pain in my head. but you hit your head so hard the initial bit doesn't hurt, it after your brain realises "oh fuck i must send pain down those nerves... lots of it!)

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