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I'm Such A Noob With Cars :(

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Just came back from going outside to fit my clear indicator lenses and failed. :)

Undone the bolts ontop of the indicator expcting it to come out, it didn't. moved it around abit more to see if it would come out, it didn't. i gave up.

So... i thought i'd have a try at doing my steering wheel. undone one screw, moved onto to another one it undone but will not come out.....then gave up.

FML. That is all...

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The indicator can be a bitch to get out, needs to be pulled to the wing a bit i think!

Also steering wheels can be bitches, esp if its a airbag and your putting non airbag on :)

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lmao ill get some pics up 2moro for you of how to take the steering wheel off mate, i done mine the other day because the numpty who done my dials didnt put it back on straight and i eventually got fed up of it being wnoky so i did somethnig about it lol, fairly simple tbh

indicators are pretty much straight forward too mate, you gta twist it toward the wing a bit, then it should pop out enough for you to slide it out, after youve undone the screw 1st tho lol

EDIT: make sure the wheels are straight before you take it off/ put it back on

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two hex screws either side of the steering wheel one is coverd up then the airbag will start too come loose then there should be a few wires unplug them the gently remove the airbag there will be a big nut i the middle of the steering wheel undo it ad the steering wheel will came straight off be careful not to twist the steering wheel when doing this as he new wheel will be on the piss

hope that helps you dude


as my mate didn't and his airbag went off in his face


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here you go dude, as promised

and a quick note before you sit there forever wondering how long the screws are, none of them come out lol, they loosen but they are held in place

and make sure your wheels are straight before starting also



this is how it should look/ clip behind the head of the screw


once that side is done, go the other side and you should see this


you mite have to pull down the wiper stalks but because the battery is disconnected nothing will happen and you will be fine lol

then give the centre a wiggle and gentle pull and it should come out like soo


make sure you dont pull to hard, because you will have to disconnect the horn wires

get a 19mm socket, with a nice extension for manouvrability and undo the centre nut



then its just a case of pulling the wheel off, but be careful it doesnt fly off and smack you in the face (experience) lol

hope this helps dude

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah, it off now. almost ht me in the face :(

Now....Dilema 2 neew steering wheel. i bought the custom quick release from night spirit thinking it was the whole thing. i'll upload a pictures in a second. but i think i need a boss kit aswell.

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