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Whisteling Noise On Higher Boost?

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basicly this has been an ongoing problem since i fitted my fmic , every time i put my foot down and ii reach the third bar on the clocks there is a whisteling noise? to start with i thaught it was the intercooler piping not being tightend up but I've gone round all the pipes and there is no way it can be that,

now i am looking at the turbo to hotpipe gasket and studs because they are short and i cant use washers so there is a small gap between the bolt,

another question is where can i get that gasket from and also new studs as these ones have rounded out slightly and making it verry hard to tighten up

cheers josh

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yes i have mate, I've checked for leacks tho nothing i can see

Have you jus done this???

I remember wen i relocated mine i had a whisteling noise that was not there befor, but it is jus the air being sucked in an causeing a whitle sound...

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noo I've had it done for about 3 weeks now but its gradualy got worse over the last week and I've had my intercooler about 2 weeks

ill have another look tommorrow but i do think its the hotpipe blowing as it dosent tighten up properly its hard to explane on here lol have to be in the car sorta thing

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I guarentee it will be a silicone pipe not tightened up properly. I had a leak for sooooooo long took ages to find.

My advice would be to take your intercooler to bits and refit the pipes. Try the cold side, see if it goes, if not try the hot side.

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My turbo hotpipe was not tightening up properly as one of the bolts would not tighten up now as the thread on the bolt wasnt biting! This mad my car have a very annoying whistle/whining sound when i came on boooost! I bought a new mate bolt from B&Q and then stuck that and tightened up and have had no problems since so i would have said its most likely the turbo - Hotpipe leaking when on boost!


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