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Yeah & she is,but it doesn't mean she needs her Mum

24/7 she has a Dad

WRONG she dose,

*getting a bit personal now*

My perents split when i was younger, just old enough to understand what was happening. i didn't see my dad for years witch FUCKING SUCKED, it really did. i have been there and it fucking horrible and no kid deserevs that. so forget whats happening with you and you'e partner and start over and give you're child a better childhood.

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cba with relationships atm, i've seen single for a while and loving it.

Same here

Been in a relationship 6 and a half months now and funnily enough, tonight I just got so fed up.. its boring :/ I just wanna go out there and be my flirty self again to be fair, get on with life and enjoy it.

Yeah the missus is great and I love her to bits, but sometimes I just don't feel like I wanna be tied down :/

Your young dude I tell you this alllll the time, you got the rest of your life to settle down go have fun and bang some sisters, twins, have a 3some, gangbang, fuck a MILF, or even a young GILF, your ex's mum! theres loads you should cross off your list before settling down :rolleyes:

Tbh I have made an attempt of getting a mrs, because I live alone and it does tend to get quite boring but from experience girls are nothing but let downs and I have had a pretty good week and weekend and made me realise, fuck it I am much happier like this.

Also, these relationships where there is no trust or respect and you cant do what you want is just pathetic, I know loads of people like this and I dont see the point.

Relationships are about trust and respect to do your own things not be stuck in each others site 24/7 not doing anything else.

Sorry for opening the thread just wanted to put my 2p in.


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