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dont use royal mail

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was just reading the back page of practical performance car mag, and it turns out if you use royal mail and they loose your parcel, they then sell that parcel to ebay traders so they make a nice profit and the poor guy who trusted the royal mail gets shafted :) .

on this occasion is was the ppc boys omex ecu which was to be used on their 27 litre v12 engine with 48 spark plugs, which was then sold by a trader for 580quid even though it was of no use to anyone unless they had a 27 litre v12.

did anyone else know this about the royal mail or is it just me that didnt know?????

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but if you insure your parcel for what its worth, and it goes missing, your covered anyway?

always make sure you insure the parcel wether its worth a tenner or a grand

that way you'll get your money back for anything lost

your both right, ive sent parcels worth 400quid with no insurance before i certainly wont do that now but i dont use royal mail know anyway because theyre useless

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