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I bought one exactly like that and was described as brand new.. Turned up and i could blatantly see it had been in a car before, even had marks on where it had been shoved in and out :)

Emailed the guy and he was having none of it, that twat did my head in :)

Edit: You can also have it for £10 :D

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I bought one exactly like that and was described as brand new.. Turned up and i could blatantly see it had been in a car before, even had marks on where it had been shoved in and out :)

Emailed the guy and he was having none of it, that twat did my head in :)

Edit: You can also have it for £10 :D

Ill keep my eyes open for a glanza one but if not ill just grt this one. I might aswell pay couple quid more and get a new one tbh. Cheera guys

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They are good but i find when i put a drink isn't it it turns my stereo on...Fail...so i never use it, its jus for show an to cover a hole...

ahaha you couldve just left the plastic toyota panel there.?

P.s that fly/bug is f**king with my head.!.!.! LOLLll

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