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why not.... another rant about the poxxy car

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so a week of yet more bad events with the car. the front nearside wheel bearing has been making a racket for a while now( the loudest wheel bearing ever like full on banging ) so ordered a bearing etc so decided to fit it Wednesday after work because a failed attempt with broken tools was not possible on Tuesday. so going smoothly until i snapped 1 of the bottom ball joint bolts off which are only 2 months old so i ordered a new 1.

then i removed the old bearing which literally fell to pieces i did this by knocking it out with a hammer for hours lol because i couldn't be arsed to wait and use the press at work. so neways put the new bearing in packed full of grease etc fitted it all on no bother then ......

i went to fit the brake caliper but whilst i was hammering the bearing out id managed to bend the 12mm thick bracket on the hub that holds the caliper in place, so had to wait till Thursday after work before could start bending it back with heat because it was to late for noise on Wednesday. so that took ages

now it gets funny...... i put the wheel back on and thought OK nothing will go wrong now. oh how wrong was i? well lowering it down slowly both my locking collars off my tein suspension snapped off so the car dropped straight on to my arch. at this point i was laughing thinking i don't fucking believe this? so took the suspension off and put a standard shock with lowering spring on which i knew would sit really low! but i though at least if i drive slow so it don't scrape i can get to work and weld/fabricate some parts to fix it.

so decided ill take it up the road to see if it scrapes really bad? which it did then like not even a mile up the road the fan belt exploded into little pieces and a minute later the battery was dead no headlights power nothing, so i got my sister t bring me out a charged battery just so i could get home as broke down at the end of my road basically. lool

some good has come from this though i know how low i want my car, well actually lower ill get some pics up of how it was looking



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