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Skater sets off speed camera

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Neil Hopkins, a spokesman for Sussex Safer Roads Partnership - "Had he come off, either through an imperfection in the road surface"

why not go arrest the robbing bastard councils for taking our road tax off us and not doing anything to the roads in stead of bitching about abit of fun. there wouldnt be any "imperfections in the road surface" if our road tax was used for the right purpose, instead of going fuck knows where else.

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Neil Hopkins, a spokesman for Sussex Safer Roads Partnership - "Had he come off, either through an imperfection in the road surface"

why not go arrest the robbing bastard councils for taking our road tax off us and not doing anything to the roads in stead of bitching about abit of fun. there wouldnt be any "imperfections in the road surface" if our road tax was used for the right purpose, instead of going fuck knows where else.

too true mate seems like a waste of time paying road tax when all i ever see is pot holes

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^ haha that's crazy wouldn't the car have to speed through the camera aswel lol?

Only been flashed once in my car it was in the other lane went to quick through it and it spazzed out lol didn't hear anything from it so was a good experience lol

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