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car getting re-sprayed, stuck on colour :(

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Hey guys, well my glanzas being re-sprayed next week hopefully and im really stuck on what colour to have. I have to keep my wheels bronze as haven't had them for long and don't want to re-spray them a different colour. The cars black atm but its a state, its either the cheaper option of going for the black again or to go for an anthracite colour which is more expensive. Ive ordered a 98 spec bumper and splitter aswell to give it a nicer look. Opinions would be appreciated, thank you B)

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and also the engine bay is still silver from when it was silver before, cba to pay loads of extra money to get the bay done aswell so i was thinking it might not look so bad if it was anthracite with silver bay lol

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I would just stay black... i had mine done but in a slightly more metallic black so had more flake in it. made a world of difference and when the light hit the paint work it looked glorious!

nothing wrong either with a different colour bay lol. my mx5 is grey with a red bay! doesn't go at all but could be worse

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I would just stay black... i had mine done but in a slightly more metallic black so had more flake in it. made a world of difference and when the light hit the paint work it looked glorious!

i was hoping someone would say black! lol

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Honda Pirate Black has a nice hint of purple and looks ace when the sun hits it. There is another one similar but it's blue instead of purple, not sure what it's called though.

Some sort of grey would look ace too! The Audi S3 grey is nice along with dozens of others.

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