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looks good mate thats what i used but make sure you wet it before you apply and wear gloves and long sleaves

Ye i had a quick read up on how to put it on so shouldn't have any issues :( Good shout on gloves and long sleeves, i probably wouldn't of done that haha :D

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It won't do any harm so why not? Keep heat in so faster flow of gases, even if it is minimal, every little may help and for the sake of £10 why not :D

Besides mine pops and bangs nicely now (need someone to follow me to see if I'm flaming yet lol) :(

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^Same as what Luke said, I used this stuff too. Fibreglass is a bitch if it gets in your hands/clothes lol

I think I used 20M for my decat & Japspeed system

did you wrap 50% over the last piece of wrap all the way through? I heard 20m wouldnt be enough for a Japspeed system?

i'v heard wraping the system is bad, is this true ?

I got 20m sitting here but didnt fancy doing it.

Mixed reviews on doing it on manifolds due to issues with them cracking but no problems with wrapping the exhaust system. I've read that it makes them more likely to pop and spit the odd flame which sold me the idea haha :(

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if i was you id buy a 30m roll mine cost me like £13 off from ebay and then its one continus wrap lol

Got a link dude? Seems a really good price for 30m of the stuff!

Ah no I think you might be right, think I used 30M for turbo back!

Thought as much :(

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why wet the heat wrap when appyling it?did you not find them metal cable ties were shit thow they dont even lock correctly be so much better if they worked exactly like the plastic ones work...

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Sound's good to me! Less money to spend :( Final question - Considering i'll be getting 3 10m rolls, when one roll finishes and say your half way up a part of pipework, how do you apply the next bit of wrap correctly? And do you just put the steel ties on each point where you started wrapping or started a new roll?

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i put the wraps every half a meter sort of thing lol , but yeah i wrapped my fmic pipe and used them metal tie things i tryed to tighten em up and then they were stil fairly loose so i just used the left over bit like a tin of sardines and rolled it up to make it tighter then snapped it off and it held lol

im guna use jubilee clips on the exhaust heat wrap i reckon

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