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Haha same hear mate shame i wasnt in the EP too ey....oh well one day :p

The cruise was awsome fairplay not often you get action like that but tehy ruined it for everyone and it was only early ;) B)

Oh well roll on the next one, it was the first one my mate went to and he loved it and cantt wait for the next one so keep me informed fella :DB)

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OK we was at Cardiff Gate retail Park at a cruise and one section of the car park was a bit of a stunt arena

There was a 300zx drifting and what have you, a type R civic on metal plates and then a rover BRm thing had a go and was puttin a good show on but he caught his feul line on a drian and petrol was gushin out everywhere.

Some fuckin chav thought it would be funny to light the petrol and all of a sudden a big trail of fire was leading to where the Rover parked up next to loads of other cars so everyone was scramblin and a fiesta zetec s reversed out and near it was another fiesta 56 plate, well the fire was gettin seriously close to the 56 plater and he reversed out as fast as he could straight in to the side of the zetec s as fast as he could!!!!

Both cars where fucked and sopmeone lit another trail of pertol and there was police and fire engines everywhere!!!!! ruined a half decent cruise ;) :p:D

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Just found some videos!!! Quality!!!!

Heres the crash but its a shame you cant hear the CRUNCH but you can hear how fast the fiesta reversed out because his driveshaft nearly popped out ;) :p

cruise crash

Hres the fire which spread


Civic Type R on trays (at the end you can see the downpipe glowing orange :D )


M3 on the diff


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hahahaha thats nuts!!!!!!

Yea i have never been to a cruise like it!!

Some people just have no regards for other peoples safety and do the stupidist things ever :p

Should of seen everyone scrambling to their cars though, people was just running everywhere was mad :DB) ;)

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That's crazy shit!!

So after the reversed into the other fiesta because he was trying to get away from the fire... he drove back into the space he came from? That was a bit silly no??

I thought it was bad at the last cruise I was at when people were sitting revving their cars up... it's was just quite annoying.

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now that is what you call a mental cruise.i liked the way there was a massive open space where people were messing about.ive bin to cruises and they do it ryt next to you.bummer about the fire though. there is always the odd dick. how often is it on and is it always that good

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