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eml light flashes between gears

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high all, been having a few problems with the car for the last few weeks, and ive noticed that inbetween gear changes at high revs, my eml light flashes on and straight back off :s

did a diagnostics test and it came back with 22, 24, 41

now all of these are for the way its fueling, but the light never used to flash, and it never used to smoke from the zorst, just wondering why it only does it between high revs gear changes?? :s

any help is muchos appreciado :)

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high all, been having a few problems with the car for the last few weeks, and ive noticed that inbetween gear changes at high revs, my eml light flashes on and straight back off :s

did a diagnostics test and it came back with 22, 24, 41

now all of these are for the way its fueling, but the light never used to flash, and it never used to smoke from the zorst, just wondering why it only does it between high revs gear changes?? :s

any help is muchos appreciado :o

hey dude had this problem with mine checked all the earths and found i had a dodgey earth fixed it and it stopped, jus summats for u to check :)

p.s i didnt check the codes so might be somthing totally different

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how do i clear the codes?

and because we think my pcv valve was leaking oil into the intake, would that confuse the ecu into thinking it was fueling wrong, thus giving the codes it has? because my car is burning oil. hopefully stopped the oil going in now gunna give it a few days to burn whatevers in the exhaust system and still in the intake passing through.

just checked the earths and they all seem fine :/

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Cancelling Diagnostic Fault Codes

After the repair of a troubled area, the diagnostic fault codes retained in memory by the ECU must be cleared by removing the fuse "EFI 15A" for 10 seconds or more, depending on ambient temperature (the lower the temperature, the longer the fuse must be left out) with the ignition switch in the OFF position.

Clearing the memory of the ECU can also be done by removing the vehicle battery negative terminal, but in this case, other memory systems (clock, radio etc...) will also be cleared.

If diagnostic fault codes are not cleared from memory, they will be retained by the ECU and appear along with any new codes in the event of any future malfunction.

If it is necessary to work on any engine components that require removal of the vehicles battery, it is recommended that a diagnostic check is first carried out to identify if any diagnostic fault codes are stored before the ECU memory is cleared.

After clearing the memory of the ECU, perform a road test of the vehicle to check that no further malfunctions have been detected and then check that the system normal code is read from the "CHECK" engine warning lamp. If any of the previous diagnostic fault codes have appeared, it will indicate that the troubled area has not been repaired sufficiently.

taken from tgtt so its thanks to them mate

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no still not completely sorted, ive blocked off the pcv valve and it seems to have got better, gunna give it a few days incase its just left over oil in the exhaust system and ports.

but if it continues then it can only be the valve stem seals

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Were the valve stem seals not replaced!? :)

you need to let the engine breath normally, any oil in the ports will have gone by now if theres any oil it will be in the exhaust itself of which there cant be much (how much did you have to top it up by?)

how much is it burning on a daily basis? Were the valve guides removed/cut short? It may be they are letting oil past? Just a thought...

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yeah they were replaced, but it was ported so yeah the guides might be letting some past.

ive had to top it up twice in 3 weeks so not burning that much tbf, hopefully chris can get down here in the next couple of weeks to put a new head on or replace the seals in this 1

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Think this happened to mine if its the same thing.

when you change gear does it sort of back fire and the gearbox looking switch warning light flickers?

I adjusted the throttle possition sensor clock wise" and this stopped.

so might just need slight adjustment on the TB and TPS.

hope its just as simple as that mate!

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yeah thats the sod luke, but its the orangey yellow eml light aint it?

like this:


The link just sends me to google images main page mate.

might be becasue im at work and the websites blocked.

before ive adjusted the tps so its on the bare limit to cutting out, and it would be poping and banging everywhere with that "EML" light flickering evertime it pops.

adjusting it clock wise stopped it all together, when adjusting it anti clockwise, it would cut out the engine and would not start when the key was turned upon re-starting the engine.

From what i can assume the TPS has been hit or nudged by something to rotate it in a anti clockwise direction??????

(happened to mee too as its quite fidily to tighten up)

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