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Well i went to the donny show on saturday, i have never seen so many chava's in my life!!! deffo won't be going again, only went to see the time attack and the drifting which were good there was a red starlet there with a 2ltr pinto engine in. will get some pics up soon

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there was stewards in the car park!! obviously they must have been in on it, plus there was loads of people chilling in there cars. I fucking hate thieves, it should be like in saudi arabia where if you are caught you get your hands chopped off! that would stop the thieving twats

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Well i went to the donny show on saturday, i have never seen so many chava's in my life!!! deffo won't be going again, only went to see the time attack and the drifting which were good there was a red starlet there with a 2ltr pinto engine in. will get some pics up soon

well boys and girls i go every year and this was the shitist 1 i have been to only good thing was the white toyota starlet o and the red 1 what a waste of cash i say :(

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A Starlet with a Punto engine? what the fuck?!

I've seen that thing about the Scooby getting stripped on TGTT, sickening!

it would've been an old RWD KP starlet, and a pinto is an old school torquey ford engine, suited to RWD setups :(

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well it was the funniest thing ive ever seen and done

picture this... just outside our hotel was a round about and about 100m down the road was another..... they had obviously been doin some road works there as they had left loads of the big orange cones laying about.... so we came up with a plan

we had a group of us at each round about waiting in position.... a car enters the first round about ... so we cone it off... basically so the only way you can get off the round about is to go back the same way you came.... we then did the same to the other round about so basically this bloke was trapped between the two round abouts driving up and down the road lmfao

i nearly died laughing the thing is the bloke must have driven up and down the road atleast 5 times before he realised lmfao

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there were so many legend moments to treasurelike my mate bein so pissed he went to the bog for a piss got his tackle out... realised the seat was still down on the bog.... couldnt be bothered to lift the seat so continued to piss all over the toilet seat... ( you had to be there lol)

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oh and another quality line...

my mate was in the room trying to get some shut eye while we went to the show to set up the stand.... someone enters the room and he thinks its one of us so continues to shout fuck off im having a wank........ only to turn around and see the room maid standing there lmfao

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