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Hi, this is Wings' GF he thought you might appreciate some pics of his new car:

So I guess the answer to that question is YES (especially as its chocolate cake...)

Over the easter weekend he foolishly mentioned about me making a cake for JAE, being in somewhat of a holiday mood I said "ooh Ive never made a car cake" and then proceeded to make a tester..of course having never made one before I thought Id do it properly, so I made the Fondant Icing, the buttercream and the cake...and then whoops forgot that I was supposed to be up at 6am the next day for work...and the cake had to cool before I could decorate (it ended up being 10pm BEFORE I could decorate it).

So please forgive the complete anatomic in-correctness It was dark outside Wings' had gone to bed and I was having to make it up as I went along, but for a first go I didnt think it came out too badly. At least I have learnt lots, like how yummy Marshmallow fondant is...and how much it sucks to paint using a toothpick... :p

(tail lights are HARD to do... :/)



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Thanks a lot guys, you made her all shy and blushy :D She really likes the comments

Nice one!

Looks a bit like my car!!!

But an awful lot tastier!

You forgot pictures of the interior!

Nice effort Miss Wings :p

Looks more like a Micra though :D

Unless its a starlet minubus?

Is it fruity inside???

Great effort though.


It's chocolate inside!

It is a starlet! As it was a bit of a rush job, the cake was still a bit warm so it crumbled when she tried to carve it into shape. Next time it'll be left to cool so that it can be made curvy at the back and slope forward at a better angle for the windscreen. The next attempt with have better timing, so should come out better :D

She should probably have one ready for JAE if you'd like some (and come on other stands might have turbo'd big engined expensive cars, but will they have cake, eh? B) UKSC will rule supreme at JAE! I rest my case! :p )

you are fucking awesome.

make me a cake.

better still, marry me.

Easy now, I got there first B) (although getting married is after 'get a house with a garage so I can play with more starlet bits' on my list of things to do! :D )

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