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its not been a good day :(

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ive had a real shitty day today. :D

ever since this morning i seem to be gettin a loud grumbling noise from the engine/drivetrain when pulling away in 1st... it only lasts a second, then goes away?? :lol:

and i went into my local tyre and accessory place (r-tec) and as i was pulling up to park, i was turning a little close to a new mini parked beside me, but after having the car for so long, i knew where the front of the car was, so i just carried on...

CRUNCH! my sodding numberplate had clipped the bumper on the mini and gauged a bit outa the plastic, shattered the numberplate too.

ended up paying 50 quid in repairs today.

did some considerable damage to the bumper too...


and now my door is making some annoying cruching noise when i open it. :lol: :angry:

not a good day :huh:


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woah man i didnt realise you were there, wudv come up and seen ya


how far are you from there then bud?

that sucks Eggs cheese munger!!

But, im sure your genious will be able to fix all of it in no time! :angry:


lol i hope so, i need money to do that though!!

Yeah, get "Challenge Scutch0" on the job, have it fixed in no time!!!!  :lol:  :lol:



:huh::D you guys crack me up.


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