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Well after a hard seven months out there in Iraq.. Im finnally back, to get myself stuck into a bit of Extreem EP Starlet postings!! You've seen my car before but i might be tempted to show you some new ones;)

I was at Crail just Sunday gone there.. Did ya see the car??


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Guest Enzo

hey mate welcome back

there has been an update to the fourm software since you have been away so when you have a minuite could you upload a photo of yourhself for your profile so people can see who you are,

looking forward tos ome updated pics of your ep mate

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welcome back! glad to hear your back in one piece!

i dont know if anyone has said this to u or not, but it would take more balls than i have to go out there and help defend our sorry asses, i know that sounds like the kinda thing an american would say but u know wot i mean! u have my respect for goin out there, and i also think it appropriate to say thank you!


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Thanks very much all... ive done a few new things to the car..ill get photos up soon.. maybe later on today...

is there many people from Scotland on this site? i know a majority are from England.

Sparky... who's your mate, and what regiment is he in??


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welcome back! glad to hear your back in one piece!

i dont know if anyone has said this to u or not, but it would take more balls than i have to go out there and help defend our sorry asses, i know that sounds like the kinda thing an american would say but u know wot i mean! u have my respect for goin out there, and i also think it appropriate to say thank you!



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Guest Enzo

hey dude there is a big uksc cruse this sunday on the other side of glasgow if your into it, there is a thred pinned in the scotland meets section hopefully you can make it ;)

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His name is Gavin William I dont know what regiment he is with but I will find out for you ;)

Also his cousin and a few other boys I know are out there ;)

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where do you live?? im not sure how to get to.. " the other side " of Glasgow.. if your near me.. could meet up or somethin n follow you through?

I reckon if i knew how to get through whereever it was.. i could make it.. would be good.. you'd all get to see the car.... ohhhh noooooo!! would have to clean it !! lol

Going on holiday on Monday with My girlrfiend too.. that will be fun, aint even packed yet! still.. Cruisin is better than packin. .. lol


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jings.. thats just near Edinburgh innit? i think i could get there... seen the signs for that a few times..

That sounds alright for me:) What time does it start .. or what time you want me in Bigger??


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Guest Enzo
Welcome back matey.

I have muchos respect for the guys like you out there.

And also for anybody in the forces.Must take a lot of balls to get out there and do the job.

Fire away some pictures :blink:

fair play ragger, i totaly agree with what you have said. :lol:

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Pictures... of my Iraqi experiance? if aye, then ill post it on a new topic.. cause there is a few million of them like... got loads:P

Thanks for the respect... i appreciate it, i was out over Christmas and new year, was pretty hard.. instead of fireworks for new year and christmas.. we were gettin mortered ( bombed ) so... its a period ill not forget.. its not quiet how i'll be spending this christmas and new year.. lol...

Still.. Thankfull im alive.. there was a few people unfortunate out there over the period i was there, and we have been there since 2003.. and i was only out for a 7 month period.

Righty.. enough rantin on.. :blink: Ill get pictures if you want?


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