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Starlet feels all funny?

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So I got some Speedline SR alloys a few weeks back finally got them sorted and fitted but now the car feels funny to drive (was on standard steelies before).

Let me try and explain, the steering wheels now pulls all over the place with every little bump i think, but generally more to the left than anything else, it is also harder to turn right than left, like the steering wheel is phsically harder to turn (not like this before). Also earlier today was accelerating quite hard and when i lifted the clutch in 3rd it fully pulled the car to the right, pretty much shit me up.

My question now, basically is this normal now that i have so much more grip (standard wheels were quite worn) having never really driven any other car i dont know what i should be expecting?

Hope that makes sense?


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sounds slightly like tramlining, however i have never noticed this with my speedlines, but i certainly did with my 17s.

also, if anything your car should pull slightly and i mean SLIGHTLY to the left - as we drive on the left hand side of the road if somethin goes wrong the car should in theory pull AWAY from on coming traffic (on the right hand side), im led to believe this is an intentional design aimed at reducing the severity of accidents (P.S. do not quote this as gospel, someone may be lyin to me but as far as im aware its true).

as Geo has mentioned, i would start with a wheel balancing and alignment and recheck all your wheel nuts and trye pressures (if one is quite low it will cause the car to pull). maybe have the trackin checked too (im not sure exactly wot this is, excuse my ignorance but fogdog had to have his looked at recently i think).

start with those basics, hopefully its an easy fix.


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Ok so just been out to check tyre pressure and pretty sure its wrong but not sure if its what causing problems. Both left side tyres are at 26 front right at 27 and rear right 28.5. So could this be causing me problems and am I right in thinking the pressure should be 32 all round?

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With wider, lower profile tyres your wheels tend to "tramline" -- ie they will follow the littlest groove and bump in the road, though I wouldn't imagine this would happen with 15" wheels with a 55(??) profile tyre?

I'd suggest getting your aligment done as after I hit a kerb in my ibiza my car felt the same... had the tracking/aligment done and it feels fine now.

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If your wheels needed balanced you would get vibration through your steering wheel at certain speeds. not so much what you're describing

And yes, about 32psi is right for the size of tyre (it varies depending on what load you're carrying/motorway or B road driving etc...)

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