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need massive help

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I'm hoping to buddy, got a manifold and ct9 but haven't got a massive budget so thinking about modifying my sump just trying to save money where I can until I can afford the proper parts then re-do the little bits when funds pick up again dude but just want a cheap safe set-up because it will be built for the fun not performance if you get what I mean ??

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I'm hoping to buddy, got a manifold and ct9 but haven't got a massive budget so thinking about modifying my sump just trying to save money where I can until I can afford the proper parts then re-do the little bits when funds pick up again dude but just want a cheap safe set-up because it will be built for the fun not performance if you get what I mean ??

sounds like you've got your head screwed on the right way, good luck with the project and hope you enjoy whatever route you take.

i warn you though, with performance comes fun lol


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