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What a great night i have had!

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Sorry for the rant but i have to get this out of my system.

It all started at 5.15 pm today when i got back to my car after work. I pressed the button as usual to unlock my car but nothing happened. Tried a few more times and realised something wasn't right. No flashing light to show alarm is armed.Hmmm no battery power. Why could this be? Look at all switches and all seems normal. Then look at interior light and realise it on the wonderful on position. So i proceed to unlock my car with the key to get in. Luckily im parked on a steep hill so bump starting wont be a problem.

I then start rolling down the hill and get ready to bump it. Then i tried to bump it and nothing happened. I let it carry n rolling and try two more times and nothing happened. Im now at the bottom of the hill. Shite. I try pushing it and bumping it with no sucess and i've now run out of road. So i unwillingly pick up my phone to ring the sensible people in my phone book who will understand what i need doing. Come down with jump leads, jump start, off we go. The only answers i get are from Alex, who was at work and my other mate, who was......... at work. So i then go through my phone book ringing everyone in it with no sucess as everyones phone is either, not answered, off or no signal. This includes home, mum, dad, bro, and sis. I then ring my girlfriend a few times hoping she will answer but after a few rings my phone battery goes and im now really stuck.

The time is now about 7.00pm and im cold and hungry so i start pushing my car back to try bumping again with no sucess after 15 min of trying. I then realise i have got some money as a birthday prezzy in my pocket and think "hmmm i could go to halfords and get a battery." So i manually lock my car up and start walking. I had to walk through a bit of a dodgy area and just so happened to bump into a prostitute who asked me if i was looking for "something." I replied with "yes... a new car battery have you got one?" she unfortunately said no so i was on my way. I finally got to halfords. I go straight to the battery section and they haven't got any cheaper ones so i fork out £70 for a new one plus another £10 for a spanner to fit it.

Then i start making my way back to my car with the battery that weight as much as my car. But it wasn't a boring journey as a stray dog joined me to bark at me and sniff my legs until it found some shit to sniff. I also thought of a master plan on the way back to carefully fit the battery without damaging it so i could take it back tomorrow. I got to my car finally and begin fitting the battery. Not that easy with cold hands. I got it in though and got two electric shocks aswell. Started my car and i was chuffed. I left the car running and took the new one out and put the old one back in. I don't advise doing this as i got a few more electric shocks. I left it running a while before switching it off to fasten the battery in properly. I then went to start it again. There was power but not enough to start it. I then did the switching battery thing again to get it going again. BUT (not finished yet) the police then came. They asked me to stop and get in the car. I had to answer a few questions like What are you doing? Why? and so on. Then they checked my license to see if the car was mine.

After 15 minutes of interrogation i got out and finished off. Got it started and was on my merry way. I get in at 8.05pm which is a good 2 hours and 50 minutes after finishing work.

Moral of the story. Don't leave interior lights on EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That sux mate Id be wel distraught if that happened to me

Think id probz resort to walkin home if i couldnt get my dad to come out and save the day :(

How was your night from 8 onwards any better?

At least u wont do it again <_<

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Bloody hell James, talk about a story from hell.

I've left the interior light on overnight before twice and never really got any probs.

There is the risk and inevitability of course.

Really unlucky mate, but you kept your head up.


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It may have been a bad night, but by the sounds of it, it was an exciting night! Prostitutes, stray dogs, trying to con Halfords, talking to the police and some electro shock therapy thrown in! more exciting than my night of goin to the gym then watching repeats of top gear on the Dave channel <_<:(

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man that sucks, was it a glanza by any chance? they seem impossible to bump start...left sidelights on last week, did the same thing....wouldn't bump.

But £70 that stings B) for £90 you could have got a nice varley red top battery and saved yourself about 11kg in weight! :p

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I had to walk through a bit of a dodgy area and just so happened to bump into a prostitute who asked me if i was looking for "something." I replied with "yes... a new car battery have you got one?" she unfortunately said no so i was on my way.

Sorry I had to laugh at that bit B)

Didnt think interior lights would do that B) you must have HID's in there :p

And I have bumped mine several times with a flat battery....

The one time I had left my lights on, and then we bumped it I was driving off put my lights on and the car would miss. I pulled over and was revving the car whilst turning the lights on and off and it would sound like a WRC car with anti-lag popping flames the lot was awsome B)

Anyway glad you got it sorted and hope your gonna take that battery back and say it didnt fit or something :p

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Lol, glad you shared it with us mate. Can i ask, when did you turn on the interior light? because if you went to work, it couldn't have been dark.. and you came out at 5-ish so it would still be light-ish.. Could be an unexplained mystery lol.

When i was reading at the beggining i thought you were gona say someone broke into your car... i was like B):pB):pB)

And did you return the battery to halfords then in the end?

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I put the light on when i got in the car as it was a bit dark and i was looking for something but i forgot to turn it off. I then drove it to work without noticing. I got out to walk to work and hey presto... flat battery

I've just taken the battery and the spanner back and i was fully refunded. Im now in a much better mood about it so now i can look back and laugh.

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