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Hi my car as far as I know is all standard only thing I can see is a blitz dump valve so I get the hiss which is fine but then I get turbo chatter sometimes, why is this doing the chatter? Is it ok or can it damage the turbo? How can I stop the chatter sound if it can mess the turbo up.

Edited by mart1
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I love turbo chatter, it sounds awesome! I have both dump valve noise and turbo chatter depending on how much boost the turbo is producing. Lower boost produces the chatter noise and higher boost gives the louder dump valve noise. Best of both worlds :)

mine is same, only that I thought turbo chatter is no good for your turbo.
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It isn't good for the turbo as the bearings aren't supposed to take the load that is forced upon them when the throttle is shut, hence why a dump valve is there to bleed off the pressure. However on small crumby turbo's that are worth as much as a packet of minstrels it's certainly not something I would be worrying about, nor would it happen on a regular occurance.

You will find pretty much 100% of the time the oil seals will go before any bearing, and when the turbo gets rebuild, in go a new set of bearings as well.

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