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Well wats best ??? Can u get ones that have pre programmed maps to choose from ? I'm still learning a vast amount atm but Yh on a budget ahaa because I'm thinking do u have to get them mapped by a garage because that's aboutha coupe hundred I like doing things myself like ......

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Also wind deflectors two friends broke mine by leaning on them :/ aha one if them did it in first bloody day ! Wen I was inside paying for it :/ also how do we tint the fogs ? Also looking for evo 6 reccaros :)

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you can get plug and play ecus there great upto a bar THE PROBLEM with them you dont know what there mapped on ct9 or upgrade

then you have subs like emange blue / ultimate that nead to be mapped by a pro

then there is the best sub of them all ( in my eyes only :) ) the hks pfc fcon wich you can self tune with buttons and a wideband :) :)

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pfc fcon unit on its own can be had cheap but its the add ons that are scaars as fuck and really really hard to get like the ipm and gcc complete loom maps sensor there the dear expencive parts to get hold off

i searched long and hard to have a full complete setup

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Fair play I think I'll keep my eye out out for the emanage ultimate ..... Thanks to everyone for helping I think I found my fmic and radiater :) but first I really need a handbrake cable !!! Do I need complete set it jus left side as I'm not sure ..... It's only the left side that don't wrk .... Also any one got a exhaust flexi or kno wat bore size and length I need ? My stainless exhaust fits into the standard cat, help would b much appreciated

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