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which td05 to run on a compound 5e?

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I have an odd situation here, ive been hoarding up goodies to throw together with some sort of custom pipework to create a mean old compound 5e that is some serious shit when alls up and running, but docile and calm with the supercharger is effectively turned off by means of a mag clutch.

As im not bothered by massive lag, and actually wouldnt mind being able to go right up to around the 4k mark with nothing from the turbo when the charger isnt going i was hoping someone n here would be able to tell me whether i could use a td05 16g (of which i have 3 now lol, randomly) or go for the bigger 18 or even full fat 20g to get the best out of having a 'charger fed 5e spooling it?

Is it safe to say that if a 5e is running at 7.5psi from 2/3k onwards, one can consider the engine to have half its displacement added again, effectively making it a 2.25 litre engine?

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I don't know exactly but it's more complicated than assuming displacement by going from boost pressure. Temperature plays a big part too.

The ideal gas law is;


where P= Pressure, V= volume, n=amount of substance (ie moles of air/fuel mix), R=ideal gas constant, T=temperatire

I assume that the tuning industry will use something completely different, but at uni this is how I would've worked it out, by rearranging for Volume... V=nRT/P

Realistically you probably wouldn't use that for an engine as it's not ideal circumstances, but it just shows that temperature plays a part...

Edited by funny onion
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My estimates give a ballpark figure though funny onion, i dont need to know exactly what its effective displacement is, just a rough idea so i know where i stand.

its an sc12 damian, oldschool toyota job with a mag clutch already included

Around the 8k mark colin, 5e are pretty undersquare so they dont really like to rev anyway. My 4e sounded like i was murdering it at 8k with my mines, made me feel bad lol. I want going to run the two in parallel, i know i can get mental boost from doing so but i doubt the 5e is good for it, i was just going to go sequential.

Edited by Chops
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