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No Win No Fee - Any Legal People on here?

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I got ran off my motorbike last weekend, and was lucky enough to live to tell the tail. I see why a lot of dudes no longer ride on roads and stick to off road...so many peeps out their that just can't drive.

Anyway, my insurance company has instructed a solicitor to act on my behalf for an injury claim. Theres just a couple of things that I'm unsure about and would rather speak to someone that has experienced it first hand, opposed to the speil that the solicitor will tell me.


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I'm currently going the same situation as yourself ( when My car got crashed into head on )

Your insurance company instruct a solicitor of there choice and that's about it mate you do as they request .... Fill out forms and attend medical examinations when requested

Mines been going on for 6montha now so it's going to be a long drawn out thing :(


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Thats shit man! Hope you came out if that ok?

Just spoke to another solicitor (recommended by a famly friend), and I think I'm more inclined to go with them opposed to the firm that my insurance have provided me with.

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To be honest mate if you pay for legal cover its a waste of your money going else where..... It may seem like they arnt doing anything and you will go large periods of no contact but from my experience I have just sat back a relaxed and it's working out rather well, being the insurance company solicitors they know the ins and out of the crash now but you go to your own you have to start all over again

Cheers man, me and fiancé both had a few bruises and cuts!

Hope you are ok after yours ?


Edited by jimmymac101
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I don't think I've got legal cover for my bike policy....hence the reason my current solicitors seem to be pulling all these ts and cs from the sky. I had another non fault accident in my car back in May - bad luck or what - but the solicitors who are dealing with that have been great so far. But the ones that have offered to work on my behalf for this claim seem a bit iffy.

Glad to hear you guys were both ok man!

Yeah thanks dude....just a sprained wrist luckilly....could have been a lot worse.

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It shouldn't matter what you have on your policy, you were hit by a 3rd party so their insurance will be covering everything. I was in a non fault accident just over a year and a half ago where a fella decided to play chicken at a set of crossroads, and it's still ongoing and nothing has been settled yet. I think you have 3 years to submit a claim before it has to go to court which is probably why they are never in any rush!

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The thing with the new law is solicitors take a fee if you win. so I just went direct to their insurance as it was their fault. Told them I wanted to make a compensation claim and they sorted it all out from medicals to physio and a cheque. No solicitors no fee 100% compensation went to me and it took about 3 month instead of 3 years. You'll loose about half of it if you through a solicitor.

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