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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Hey all, ive been looking into making a hybrid 6 speed using a c64 i have and a c52. That fell flat on its face a bit when i found they have the same top gear lol but i did stumble across this:


    Would they fit in a c52? I know theyre straight cut but everyone blows up 3rd making big power and that looks like a possibility to me

  2. The thing is, how relevant is a 0-60 really anyway, we all know starlets are fast from a roll, why bother trying to match bullshit beemers and the like off the mark when you know if youve got the power to weight youll charge past as soon as you make traction :).

  3. I drive a BMW x3 and I would be surprised if a starlet could launch as quickly as it can never mind an M3 or M4.

    Id be suprised if an m3 or 4 could hold a candle to my old forged scoob, let alone your x3 lol, whats your point You can make anything do anything with enough effort!

  4. Launch control is basically your only hope. Good power and tyres with a lot of practice at launching it as fast as it can be set up to launch. The effort isnt really worth it in anything other than a dedicated drag car, youll break parts like mad anyway.

  5. Hey all, looking for a dead turbo box, preferably one thats stripped a gear as theyll be going in the bin!

    Also, my gt is missing a few interior trim pieces, seatbellt bolts, big plastic trim bits that go over the rear arches etc, any help there would be amazing!

  6. what's printed on the back of your caliper?




    anything along those lines??

    they are different twin pot set ups....levin, st202, st185, etc....different piston sizes

    and you can measure the caliper space itself where the pistons fit....so you have all you need to get the correct size

    thats a good point, i never even thought to just bang a vernier into my calipers and get some measurements lol.

  7. Measure the old ones.

    Genius, but i binned them a long time ago corgetting which calipers they were from.

    Morgey to the rescu3 again should be able to sort something better out from that lot, thanks again!

  8. So i gave my local toytota that part number and tbey got the kit in the next day, but it doesnt include pistons and mine are knackered. Toyota dealership recon theyll have to be flown over from japan and cost like 35 quid each :s Anyone able to point me in the direction of cheaper more local alternatives?

  9. Having a long term headache here. Bought a set of levin twinpots to fit to my gt a couple of years ago and they arrived in a bit of a shitstate, stripped them down then found i didnt know wh8ch rebuild kit to get for em. Abyone able to point me in the right direction!

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