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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Lol, i've never seen so much bollocks in one post! One wheel drive and will still outrun most cars on the road. Engines are well capable of running over 50k. Most commuter bikes have this kinda mileage and maybe more. You'll regularly see Pan Europeans and GS's with 100k on and still going strong. The only legal requirement is a helmet, the others are just optional. As for weather or roads? Take a look at the IOM TT.

    Im just having a giggle hating bud, each to their own. Only thing i watch the iom tt for is subaru wrecking house round it!
  2. ah bikes, one wheel drive, fall over, knacker their engines at like 50k miles, require special clothing to ride 'safely' and arent actually that fast unless the weather is good and the road suits it. but still the biker fanboys go on about their superiority, baffling.

  3. Youll need very good tyres, sus setup for it and a lot of power bud, i used to struggle to do that in my 4wd scoob. You start breaking things launching cars like that, its much better for the car to accelerate from a rolling start! 0-60 is a pretty pointless figure real world!

  4. I ended up trading your white one and some other stuff for a black one with a mate up in the midlands who has a fleet of cool cars, hes got big plans for it at some point this year im not quite sure what yet lol. She wont go to waste suffice to say!

  5. Youll have to put a bit of cardboard under the front wheel to determine exactly where its falling down, then chase it back bud. Coolant can run across things all over the show before it falls down to the floor best not to make assumptions!

  6. so i got the engine out of this, and pulled the pistons to find most of the rings were jammed up. ah i thought, theres our problem, but naturally while they were out i got in there and checked the bores for roundness. its not just that theyve gone oval, its that theyve gone all over the place in quite spectacular fashion. 8thou out in places, each cylinder different :L fuck the 2zz, i cant be asked to repair it or replace it, im going to sell a few things off it to recover what i can and move on. anyone fancy a set of t sport alloys?

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