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Everything posted by toyotag2014

  1. http://www.killsometime.com/videos/15553/The-Funniest-Arrest-Ever
  2. http://www.killsometime.com/videos/15573/How-To-Cure-Ebola-WTF
  3. http://www.killsometime.com/videos/15618/Worst-Possible-Time-To-Get-A-Boner
  4. http://www.killsometime.com/videos/9213/WTF-Ending-To-a-WTF-Story
  5. http://www.killsometime.com/videos/15224/Dog-In-Double-Casts-Learns-How-To-Go-Through-Door
  6. that is f**king upsetting me there should be a law against doing this to these cars
  7. fooooook that is nice thats what im aiming to get mine like one day haha decent price mark tbh
  8. just saw your message about swindon buddy how far is that from you and every one from the south west region you know as its 2 hours from us and 118 miles ? if thats central to both of us and has a good location for us then we could do that fella ?
  9. its 2 hours for us buddy its the best place i can think of at the min thats central and good location for us is their any over location you would like buddy i would like i location that is equal for everyone to be happy make but we are all gonna have to do abit of a drive to make it fair but their isnt much i can find for good locations if any one could chuck some locations my way i will see what i can do
  10. yeah ive looked in to it and it is basically central for both east and west dude and its both fair for east and west to do abit of a travel so it a fair thing to do but not sure on good location for us to meet their so if you could look into spots for me would be much appreciated dude
  11. how does portsmouth sound to peoples ? if not any ideas between all of us ?
  12. how does portsmouth sound to peoples ? if not any ideas between all of us ?
  13. how does portsmouth sound to peoples ? if not any ideas between all of us ?
  14. ow klkl so its not a rare piece i just wondered as it looked diffrent haha thanks for the info tho was gonna message him to see if he would sell it but wont bother now thanks dude
  15. seen this on ebay and has a weird cd player think it might be rare what does everyone think ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Toyota-Glanza-Turbo-/121470494235?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1c4834a61b
  16. have you treid servicing it i.e the fuel filter might be fooked and did you change the fuel pump when you did the conversion and if so are you sure the gt fuel pump is working properly dude ?
  17. yeah i know thats the hard thing about it hopefully will find a location to suit all peoples
  18. yeah that would have been a good spot but that is a big trip for us southeasters haha trying to find a good spot between both of us to even it out
  19. just looked at it fella looks like a good build and sounds very clean from what ive read fella like it
  20. klkl fella thanks for the heads up got a build thread at all ??
  21. dam that sounds like a plan i cant wait to change to a manual well could probs set up guide lines for auto to manual step by step guides and stuff like that i guess
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