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Posts posted by FrozenJakalope

  1. Hahaha, what are the odds of that?

    I'm almost took a transfer to Swansea to be a convenience lead in training, decided I didn't want to live in Wales though. I'm quite jealous of convenience tbh, we haven't got any in S12.

  2. Lett school with 0 A levels and took the first job I saw, which was at Sainsbury's. Coming up on 6 years there now, been up the management ladder a bit, then stepped back down so I could go to college. Going uni next year to study automotive engineering. Cannot. Fucking. Wait.

  3. Oil pump should be 15100-11071

    Water pump 04161-10023

    Those are assuming it's 1996 or later.

    The cambelt and pulley you can get from id-workz for not much, can't find a specific part number for them though.

  4. I fit some last weekend in my ep91, I don't have any issues with them not moving. I'm not 100% convinced mine were on the OEM rails though as they didn't exactly match up with the pictures in the guide.

  5. I was just fitting a k&n cone filter that my brother kindly donated from his CRX, needless to say the pipe he gave me was a solid 12mm too big so I fit it to the existing black pipe that went from tb to stock airbox. All working good and makes a downright sexual roar when the revs go up. My question is, coming out of the underside of the pipe is a small black box, part number 17894-11120 which a bit of googling had told me is an air cleaner. What's it supposed to do?

  6. Went for a little trip up the M5 on Saturday to pick up some EP82 seats, honestly surprised at how well the Starbo took it. Somewhere in the region of 6 hours of 70-90mph driving and she didn't miss a beat or get too warm. Love my girl :)

    Got the seats fitted yesterday, little bit of angle grinder action on the rails and they dropped in sweet.


    So much better than the UK spec seats, which are going to the tip in about 20 minutes.

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