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Everything posted by ReeceGolliker

  1. Fuels not to bad really, as said, difficult to keep it off boost on a Ct9 but hey, that's the fun of it haha! If you will be leaving it in a not that brilliant area definitely get a aftermarket alarm/ immobiliser, I've just had mine broken into so some thieves obviously target glanzas unfortunately!
  2. Is it a white 98 spec? Could be Carl McQueen.
  3. Hi, my car won't start after being broken into but all the wiring looks ok so I'm starting to think the immobiliser might be jammed on, when I lock/unlock my car it doesn't do the normal two beeps but it does still lock/unlock. I wa just wondering if anyone knows how to get the immobiliser off? Thanks
  4. Yeah, makes you think twice having a build thread and location, it's a shame really, and theirs probably people reading this knowing it's them..
  5. Ok thanks guys! i'm going to try get a mechanic to come look at it, unless someone in manchester want to come have a look for a few beers?
  6. If anyone has a tow truck or knows of anyone/recommend a decent company can you let me know please, cheers.
  7. Cheers, I was just happy with how it was then this happens, I guess these things happen, I've only been in this house a month before they scouted it out and tried stealing it! How much will that roughly set me back? And does anyone have one? Haha
  8. Some of you may have seen my car was broken into, if anyone can let me know what I'm going to need to sort it that'd be great, cheers.
  9. Not been to any meet around Manchester nope, must have been followed one day because I live on a fairly quiet road! They look pretty mad haha! Luckily my dad only lives about 45 minutes away so it'll be getting locked up in his garage for this year is imagine, which sucks! I'll be posting some pictures up on my build threat soon, see if any of you know if I can do anything to get it started, I didn't get a good look at it but it looked standard yeah, cheers lads!
  10. I wish I didn't confront them and wait for the police to come haha, that would of made for funny viewing! They seemed that stupid to have kept trying until the police would arrive! Just hope it's not someone from in the scene, then all hope for the starlet scene is lost really
  11. Sounded like mancunians, both looked about 6 foot, average build, and they got into a black Astra coupe i think. I didn't fancy my chances against both of them to be honest. Must have known about starlet ms value and parts, it was probably some breaker on the Facebook page...
  12. It's still there and that's the main thing! No idea what they was planning with it, it'd be pretty obviously if they tried to sell it or break it! I was kind of not really in belief when I opened the door, thought it'd just be someone drunk accidentally set the alarm off! Worst bit is I can't really leave my car around here as I have no garage/drive at my student house, so I'll have to take it off the road which sucks
  13. They said get in the car and start it, didn't even say please haha, I think they messed with enough wires to mean I can't start it either!
  14. Gave me enough time to haha! They were all tooled up and prepared, just not for the imobaliser haha! I'm not sure wether they're repairable, the drivers door one is smashed up but I've not looked at the key barrel yet, hopefully it's ok
  15. Just to prewarn everyone in the area, two guys tried to steal my car, came outside to them sat in it, only damage is to the lock and inside so could have been worse but they still had the cheek to ask me to start it for them! Good job they can't get past the imobaliser!
  16. Copper grease the back of the pads, it reduced brake squeak for me
  17. Hi, I've been in Manchester a year now and haven't seen a starlet or anything modified and jap really! Is their any local meets or anything? Cheers
  18. Looks awesome mate! Uncut front bumper is a massive improvement 👍
  19. They shouldn't leak onto the wheels, I've got that leaky shock and I've not noticed any mark on my wheels!
  20. I think they look better on your car than mine!
  21. I've sprayed the chassis behind the bumper satin black, (took a picture of the difference it's on my build thread) makes it loads nicer, I'll probably still mesh it at some point though
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