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Everything posted by Willow

  1. I'm not like, all out goth, mostly because I'm too lazy to get all gothed up every day, but I have my moments XD Music wise, I pretty much like everything, and I mean that haha, but drift more towards rock and metal. I go from like...Taylor Swift to Slipknot, and everything in between Particularly like Amaranthe, Five Finger Death Punch and Dead By April from the more metal end though.
  2. howdy. kinda goth and kinda into metal.
  3. A friend from Canada. He's Autistic, among other difficulties. He's repetitive but he means well
  4. Nice pics love the colour of your wheels!
  5. Couple things - Borderlands stickers STILL haven't arrived so I put the pillars sort of back in place for now: Sanded these bits down for spraying... Finished result: So, the purple didn't work out so well. It looks a lot better in the photo than in real life...and it doesn't even look good in the photo! Colour is fine. Texture was annoying and (as I was told it would be but chose to ignore *cough* oops *cough*) it scratched really easily (i.e. I messed it up getting it back in place), so I decided to peel it off, but in the process of doing that, thou
  6. Currently in the middle of spraying some bits and bobs purple...we'll see how it goes haha.
  7. Did the first step of sticker bombing the pillars today. I cut out a rough shape from the wrap and hairdryer-ed it to within an inch of it's life to force it around the difficult bits, then once it was all smooth, I cut off any excess bits from around the back. I also cut out some individual stickers from the sheet and stuck those on too. I've got some Borderlands stickers arriving soon, and the plan is to layer those on top and then cover it with a clear vinyl. But we'll see...it might not look right. Ther Borderlands stickers were kinda pricey though so I didn't want to layer them up to cov
  8. Yay at least it's coming off.
  9. I felt like that haha but looks soooo much better now it's done
  10. I'm sure someone tried that before I messed around with all the stuff I actually did to get it off, and it just spread the gloop around a larger area and then it was more of a nightmare to get off lol. Hmmmmmm, me thinks they should have tried it for longer before watching me peel it all off by hand for hours. *cough* socks *cough*
  11. haha, hmm. Well just be careful not to angle it too much and just take thin layers of gloop off at a time. It's what I did anyways.
  12. I heated the spongey foam stuff up with a hair dryer and scraped it off with a de-icer scraper thingy..carefully, keeping it like..parallel to the car. If that makes sense. Then you're left with a layer of gloop...that was a nightmare. I sprayed WD-40 over it and then let it soak in for a while, then I scraped it off either with the scraper again or with my nails for the more fiddly bits. I think I just polished it after that. 3 hours per side unfortunately. SInce I didn't do it all in one go, some of it was left exposed to weather for about a week, and it was easier to do then, than immedi
  13. Yay birthday time. More car stuff or clothes...hmm! Both XD

  14. Hmm, my poor hands don't know what's hit them haha. So anyways. I put new seats in. And when I say I, I of course mean, I asked other people to help XD Though, I did put a new rear view mirror in myself #skillz Taking them out: Fitting them: aaand done: Just need to put the back seats in, and get the door cards sorted, then the interior should all match. Any light grey that's left is going to be sticker bombed, but I think it's just pillars left - and the roof lining, which I don't like...but don't think I can change, so I'll deal with it
  15. Well I'm making a huge mess, but I'm sanding down the pillars so that the wrap stuff I bought to do the sticker bombing will go on better. Hopefully. Halfway there, ish: Only one injury so far, which isn't bad for me. Papercuts suck I've ordered like...a sheet of vinyl that's got a sticker bomb pattern on it, but then I ordered a bunch of individual Borderlands stickers, which hopefully will look okay on the top of the vinyl wrap...and then some clear vinyl stuff to go over that so the stickers don't peel off. I think I've over complicated it. If there's enough of the wrap left over,
  16. I was hoping they would Thanks. Yeah I have a go - after I've been told specifically what I'm supposed to be doing haha...then I complain that I can't do it, then I eventually get there XD
  17. Thanks everyone I'm thinking I'll try and do the sticker bombing next - if the pillars aren't too difficult to get off. I should probably have a plan, but I don't, so we'll just see how it goes haha
  18. Actually, not sure - I had the hairdryer out for the gloop that the plastic strips left behind, but can't remember if I tried it on the stickers. Will have another go this weekend though!
  19. Thanks. Looking forward to having things to update you with My birthday is next week so maybe I'll spend some money on it
  20. Yeah it was - that pic http://s172.photobucket.com/user/willowstarlet/media/IMG_247511_zpsnb0agrus.jpg.html?sort=3&o=14
  21. Okay. So I got my white Starlet…Sportif a couple weeks ago for £350. Think it was on 127,000 miles ish. I’m currently a learner driver, so it’s staying slow for now, since I bumble around at sub 55mph most of the time, because scary! However, I would like it too look a bit meaner than it currently does, even if it doesn’t sound mean! I’m new to this, so excuse my lack of actual knowledge about cars… This is the only pic I took before I did anything to it. Don't have any better shots of the plastic strips or the interior, but I'm sure you lot know what a standard one looks like haha! So
  22. Thanks for all the welcomes
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