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Everything posted by Willow

  1. I'd like to go...if the weathers okay and I can convince my partner, and if you lot don't mind me not bringing my lil car (still not insured -.-), then I'll be there! XD
  2. No problem, sorry it couldn't be more! Good luck
  3. Miss my car :(

    1. NewbieLewby


      what happened?

    2. Willow


      Can't afford it atm, so it's on the drive at my partners parents' house :(

    3. NewbieLewby


      ah that sucks :(

  4. Thanks yeah I'm looking forward to seeing them finished too haha Thank you. 'Decorating' the interior is really all I can do so I'm glad everyone thinks it looks cool!
  5. Thanks Hopefully it won't be for too long, just whilst we move house and get that sorted, money wise. As it happens, just finished another pillar, this time with some Borderlands stickers, so... thanks
  6. Made a start on the door card fabric now that my paint finally arrived! Also doing another gear gaiter thingy, now I know it's fairly easy to do. Couldn't decide whether to do the JDM stickerbomb theme from the pillars, or the Borderlands theme from the centre console surround. So did both. XD
  7. So...it's gonna be on the drive for the foreseeable now until I can afford my own insurance. Washed it and went out in it for photos before the current insurance ran out haha. *sniff sniff*
  8. hahaha yeh. Can't remember if I got any Torgue stickers actually. Fail more. Yeah I will have to shop around a bit.
  9. Yeah...Well I was driving every day, but my partner got a way more powerful car and we currently have to have both insured and I can't be on that policy so I can't drive atm. When his car is fixed, I can take my own policy out for my car since he won't need it anymore.
  10. yeah looking forward to passing but tbh I'm not sure how soon that can happen - my insurance for just myself as a learner is around £400 but if I pass it'll be close to £1000. So...can't really afford that haha. Think I'll stay a learner for a while longer.
  11. Yay let me know if you need creative guidance haha!
  12. Okay I'm hoping to come to this with a +1, if you guys will have me! ...never been to anything quite like it though so *nervous/shy* erm, I'm currently poor but will hopefully be able to pay on the 30th. Cutting it fine haha.
  13. thanks Aww you should go for it - I just make it up as I go along haha. And to be fair, most of this is temporary anyways so if you mess it up its not too much of a big deal
  14. haha, see, creative Ted sticker: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151673682236?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  15. Spray paint for stencilling my door card material still hasn't arrived I've prepared everything else though, so when it does come, I'm good to go... I ruined the foam taking it off, but it smelled of smoke anyways, so I just replaced it with some fleecey material, which is nice and squishy. Got some stickers sorted for my windows now - I like them okay, so...no hating on them! XD There's a Paul Walker one on the other back window. And I need to get the UKSO ones too This one's kind of crap quality, but you get the idea - I might replace it at some point: Sorry all my upd
  16. Just wondering if there is like...a go to place to get good quality decals/stickers? JDM ones mainly I guess, Domo etc. Mine have started arriving and I'm not impressed so far with quality, which is a shame. Got one for my windscreen - yes I'm sure most of you think it's lame, but I like the 'illest' design and I bought that for down the passenger side - but it's just crap; cut out poorly and it arrived folded so it had split. -.- Noob question. Are they best placed exterior or interior or does it not really matter? Or does it depend where you're putting it. Thanks guys x
  17. Yeah me too haha. I rarely have a decent plan in place so it's always trail and error!! Fingers crossed it looks alright though
  18. Tatty...hmm. You misspelled creative XD Nah I know it can, but I'm hoping I'll manage to have it look okay. Can always take them off if not.
  19. Okay so door cards. Got the ones that match all the darker bits I already switched: One was broken so I had to figure out how to mend that to start with... And being the arts and craft type...I made papier mâché XD Which worked surprisingly well, that stuff is like concrete Looks a mess but it's not broken anymore haha. Sanded it down a bit as well so it's smooth. And I detached all the parts around the material: I've got some material coming, which I'm going to stencil with Borderlands stuff...and then recover, and somehow reattach the leather stuff parts..back to i
  20. haha. I dunno, I'm super indecisive. I just bought Sugar Puffs for the first time in years. So for now, those.
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