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Posts posted by Sam44

  1. Ive just had a catch up on this build, loving the head work.

    May I suggest removing the cast/machined lip on the head/combustion chamber side (inlet side) the rear side of the inlet valves. This lip restricts the inlet valve at this point till around 1-2mm lift off the valve seat, it affects around 30% of the valves circumference.

    Alittle tip is to use an old head gasket placed on the head to see where material can be removed. 

    This 5e is going to be mega. 

  2. I've got a date finally I will be back in England. That is the 23rd of June!!!. Really can't wait. 

    It's been a killer few weeks testing. 

    Daniel has managed to get back onto the starlet setting up the e11 corrola inlet ready to develope it, improving the 0rpm to 4k+rpm power/torque band.

    With this I reckon we can enlarge the throttle body base platen to house the Audi S80 sport twin throttle, which I might add is a very large throttle body + making a power box pre engine throttle body, post bov valve/D valve antilag incorporated as part of the intercooler pipe. Also keeping the manifold plenum chamber small. The idea is the larger diameter throttle body and larger volume power box/intercooler pipe will deliver the required air on wide open throttle. The manifold design is crazy efficient from 0 to around 5krpm giving great engine response. Which we fully expected. Danny is very impressed with it. 

    The corrola inlet has knocked 500rpm off the turbos spool up time also giving fantastic low-end torque output. 

    The higher lift 4efte inlet cam has also been installed to help increase 4k+rpm power. 

    I forgot to inform Daniel about the cam pully bolts requiring lock tight, I totally forgot. Then this happend. In The picture you can see were the adjusting bolts have slipped position altering cam timing as the engine was running. 


    I was warned about these pulys and to thread lock (lock tight) them once adjusted. No damage done!!, more frustrating for him, and a full day wasted. Standard race car stuff I guess!!. 

    I also would like to repeat this to anyone how has one, or is thinking about getting one. 

    He has had abit of a nightmare with fuel leaks and timing belt pulley bless him. We are having to get all compression joint fuel lines made up with running high fuel pressures. 

  3. Here we go again

    My predictions was 1 sec alap lost with the aroe regs. I'm expecting Merc to be on top of these losses. they have been developing this seasons car the longest. 

    Looks great to drive. 

    Smooth and controllable. Come on seb let's push sir Lewis all the way. 

    Day 1

    Day 2

    Yep this is were I stand. You can't expect these youngsters to be able to drive at these speeds RIGHT NOW!!!!.  

    Day 3

    Alittle intro to the AMR21 


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