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About lewray2020

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  • Birthday 03/14/1988

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  • Interests
    Toyota starlets motorcross
  • Build Thread

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  1. thanks sam44 and claymore getting primer and paint tomorrow cant wait to start the respray
  2. looks really good burty dude nice and clean more updates when you have them done burty will be good to see what else you do i be putting pics of my starlet up at some point been busy with work
  3. thanks burty dude i will be putting more pictures up in next day or so and i will be sure to be having a look at the pictures you upload and seeing how its coming along
  4. might have to give that ago at some time burty got few more pics to add when get around to adding them just finished filling body work today and primed the filler it has been a productive day today i must say 😴
  5. looking nice for what came with the car dude not gonna bother getting a turbo for mine just yet going to wait it out for a while keep it coming Sam
  6. yea man that's the one dude thank you always wanted to start a project so my mate got me to buy a Toyota starlet 1.3 sportfi I cant wait to see the finish result to be honest with you
  7. thanks burty emailed a few breakers but heard nothing as of yet might have to drive down to the one in wellington as they have a few their
  8. thank you burty dude am hopefully getting to look like a glanza as cant afford the real thing got many parts ordered and due to be delivered just trying to find a glanza boot lid with spoiler without paying well over the odds to complete the look then having it sprayed a darker blue
  9. yea man sounds good dude sunset orange quality color bright and stands out keep updated on progress sam44 will be nice to get a few tip and ideas from what you have done to yours gives me more insight on what i could possibly do to my starlet 😁
  10. yea that's true I've seen a load of nice looking starlets that makes me want to just get mine sorted asap dude
  11. just seen your build dude looking good my man 👌 you keeping the same color ? keep the updates coming liking your toyota starlet build
  12. thank you sam44 the body color is being changed to a darker blue wanting to get a new tailgate boot with spoiler and number plate surround new cherry bomb exhaust system and new light lenses front and back and possibly a bonnet scoop but that is if I can be bothered to have that done got a pod air filter ordered and a couple of stickers for the inside maybe have wing mirrors wrapped in carbon fiber wrap front break calipers sprayed red front and back bumper off a breaking glanza turbo going to see if they will fit before I buying them. What sort of Toyota starlet do you have any pics dude?
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