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Everything posted by Philm

  1. rick your motor, is it currently mapped to run 1.2bar or mapped to run more but only running in low boost? i was talking to wes earlier and he comtemplating turning the wick up sometime soon, so it would be good to know just where it stands now! its a great ep by the way, credit to you. Phil
  2. mummy doesnt like me out playing on school nights, but if im a good boy i MAY be allowed out. so fingers crossed i'll see you guys soon Phil
  3. hi Philius...Phil here i'll hopefully get round to see this yoke coming together! your in good hands mate! so yeah welcome to costa-de-la-vogie... ep hell. ;) Phil
  4. there are a couple of 1.6 novas in our local rally scene, and they go really well in the fwd class, setup properly they go very well! im no vauxhall lover but almost all super 16 rally cars run vauxhall engines so they must be fairly quick and reliable when tuned a little. Phil
  5. ah, i really think that this has had a decent "Airing" shall we say. would it not be best to calm down and give dave a ring mate? if it has been 2 months i think dave can at least have the right to be alittle taken by surprise! so im sure dave isnt a decent fella, try and sort something out offline or via pm mate, attempting to ruin his reputation is what might seem like the greatest thing on earth right now, but i will make getting this problem sorted so that both parties are HAPPY/SATISFIED impossible. Phil
  6. hello there, ive never got round to signing up on here, but here i am, names Philip/Phil same username on TGTT.com, and i own a 95 gt advance. anyway, hope to learn something from you'll on here. Phil
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